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Graham Healy

I have added this page as an information resourse , technical information on the ingredience of the supplements we use
and WHY.

It is important at Healy's Health to understand WHY ?
we indorce and use certain supplements .

After 30+ years experience we have heard all the
'sales Hype' and the deception of marketing companies
and the associated B.S.

Healy's are only interested in what really works and has stood the test of time and there are only a basic few that have, in this page we give you a deeper knowledge that the 'informed choice' you make at Healy's Supplements is an
Educated one based on our reference points with time tested INTEGRITY. 

Graham Healy's reference letters from some of the longest standing supplement compainies in Australia, relationships build over 30 years
of helping clients with the 'right advise' on nutrition and supplements.

This Section is a Brief overview of the HEALY'S HEALTH URBAN MUSCLE functional Range and HOW they work and WHEN to use them
Detailed analysis of the individual components of each supplement ingredient are listed in the section further below with reference books listed below.
Because URBAN MUSCLE supplement packages are, we believe, are perfect in every respect of dosage,quality of ingredience and quality control, and certified by the Australian Government peak body the
Therapeutic Good Administration TGA  .

We have added foot notes
to the supplement descriptions and EXPANDED upon the extra benefits of our supplements referencing the books written by Professor Barrie Finnin and Richard A Passwater and Bill Phillips (refer bottom of page).

In the Light of Illegal Drugs scandals in Australian
 In Football codes as recently as September 2013 it amazes us here at Healy's Health as to why there is such an ignorant recourse to illegal substances both in body-building and Sports codes by persons who have little of no knowledge and lead other 'innocent' parties astray.
when we have the
WORLDS BEST LEGALLY SAFE SPORTS SUPPLEMENTS made right here in Brisbane Australia.

I, (Graham Healy) founder of Healy's Health,
Challenge any Football Code, Athlete or Body-builder

to see the dramatic difference in recovery, sports performance and explosive power all done naturally and legally .


Australia Sports Anti-doping Authority Video on Supplements 

 Video overview on Healys Health Urban Muscle supplements by Graham Healy  

Graham Healy Amino Acids the pathway to Total Health

We will List the Product and its base description then we will add foot notes of the listed 'extra' benefits from the refence books written by Professor Barrie Finnin ,Richard A Passwater and John Fuller and Sports Supplements by Bill Phillips

Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors 

Click on supplement Image to move quickly down the page to analysis or simply scroll

Supplement review Bill Philllips

Click on supplement Image to move quickly down the page to analysis or simply scroll

HMB Immunity-fat loss-Anti Stress-Recovery
Taurine Lower Cholestrol EYE & BRAIN HEALTH
L Glutamine-Immune-Brain fog-Gut
BCAA Recovery-muscle soreness-energy
ALC Alcetly L Caritine-Fat Transporter-Neurotransmitters-Brain Nerve Communicatio
DAA substantially increase natural testosterone production
Anchor 12 Back to Sups at Top of Page


Per 20 gram serve


is the most powerful pre-training nitric oxide boosting creatine EVER to hit the world market! 

Thousands of hours of research and developement have gone into IN-CELs very unique performance intensifying pre-training formula.

Precise amounts of the very best ingredients have been used to deliver a massive boost to your body for MIND BLOWING PUMPS and MASSIVE PERFORMANCE GAINS that have to be experienced to be believed. 

No other N.O. Boosting Creatine comes close to INCELs strength and performance enhancing ability, not in Australia, the USA, or anywhere else. 

Urban Muscle’s dedication to making the strongest supplements has culminated in a product so far advanced from it’s competition that it deserves its own catagory.


Urban Muscle guarantee absolutely no caffeine, methylxanthines or amphetamines have been used in IN-CEL.
The energy you feel from this amazing product is true physical energy, not damaging nervous system stimulants that are currently rampant througout the industry.
For the record, Urban Muscle are disgusted in the willingness of other supplement companies to jump on the caffeine/1,3-dimethylamylamine bandwagon for a cheap, worthless short term buzz to sell their weak products.

IN-CEL is an extremely powerful physical performance formula with

  • super fast absorbing creatines for instant ATP energy production and

  • cell volumizing,

  • the ultimate nitric oxide booster for massive vasio-dialation

  • which allows more blood flow, oxygen and nutrients to the muscles during intense training,

  • D-ribose for dramatic instant muscle energy and lactic buffering

  • to allow you to perform at extremely elevated levels for long periods of time

  • and finally, uptake enhancers to make IN-CEL absorb at an unprecidented rate. 

This product has already proven itself to be the best Nitric Oxide boosting Creatine formula on the market with test athletes already breaking world strength records. 

Try IN-CEL now... 

...don’t waste another session. 




Supersedes Creatine monohydrate



  • In-Cell latest hi-tec

Anchor 1 INCEL
Anchor 2 NOG

Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors 



Product Description


Recovery from intense training sessions has never been so easy. 

RESURRECT is a recovery formula like no other, combining the most powerful 

anticatabolics and muscle synthesizers known to man, HMB,L-Glutamine, BCAA’s and Taurine, at doses that will drastically reduce muscle sorness and recovery times, greatly increase lean muscle growth in strength trainers and vastly improve performance in endurance trainers. 

The performance gained from faster recovery can be measured in speed, strength and endurance....and the ability to back up and do it all again tomorrow!




L-GLUTAMINE - Arguably the most important amino acid when it comes to recovery. L-Glutamine makes up approximately 62% of skeletal muscle and is shared between the recovery system and the immune system.
Glutamine can be synthesized by the body from other amino acids so it is classified as a “non-essential” amino acid, but the fact that the body has to break down or catabolise muscle tissue to do this, is reason enough for this amazing amino to be at the top of your list.


HMB -Hydroxy Methylbutyrate is a metabolite of the amino acid l-leucine and is the strongest of all anticatabolics. However, the actual mechanisms of HMB metabolism are not known. One hypothesis suggests that HMB directly inhibits the catabolism of muscle proteins during stressful events such as exercise. Another possibility is that HMB is a structural component covalently linked to tissues or cell membranes and is destroyed when under stress. Thus, supplementation with HMB may both prevent muscle breakdown as well as accelerate tissue repair after exercise. One thing everyone agrees on is, that HMB works like nothing else to reduce recovery times.

BCAA’s - Branch Chain Amino Acids are the "Building Blocks" of the body.
They make up 35% of your muscle mass and must be present for molecular growth and development to take place. Besides building cells and repairing tissue, they form antibodies, they are part of the enzyme & hormonal system; they build RNA and DNA and they carry oxygen throughout the body.

TAURINE - is a powerfull cell volumiser and helps shuttle nutrients into your muscles. 

Take post-training and 12hrs later. 

  • HMB (hydroxy methyl butrate)  1.5g  (See notes below)

  • L-Glutamine (rice fermented)   5.0g  (see notes below)

  • BCAA’S (total)                               5.0g 

  • L-Leucine                                        2.5g 

  • L-Isoleucine                                    1.25g 

  • L-Valine                                          1.25g

  •  Taurine                                          1.0g

Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors 

Anchor 4 Platinum


RESURRECT is Great for Cutting up or Loosing BODY-FAT 

supplies nutients that body requires without SUGAR !

Five Star Rating

by Graham Healy 

Thats Right L-Glutamine (in Resurrect 5 grams per serve )

  • L-Glutamine is a key component of the Glucose tollance factor GTF it can reduce the CRAVINGS FOR SUGARY FOODS 

  • Aids memorymind and memory 

  • important carrier of nitrogen from brian and muscle to the liver 

  •  important role as energy sorce particuarly in the gut (intestine) and kidney during starvation  

  • prevents overtraing sydrome

  • provides energy

  • provides water and electrolyte absorption 

  • used to treat liver disease through alcholism

  • improves immunne status after operations 
    Reference Essential Guide to Amino Acids (page 50)
    by Dr Barrie Finnin BPharm,Phc,PhD,FPS
    (see bottom of page ) 

L-GLUTAMINE - Arguably the most important amino acid when it comes to recovery.
L-Glutamine makes up approximately 62% of skeletal muscle and is shared between the recovery system and the immune system. 
Glutamine can be synthesized by the body from other amino acids so it is classified as a “non-essential” amino acid, but the fact that the body has to break down or catabolise muscle tissue to do this, is reason enough for this amazing amino to be at the top of your list.

Anchor 5 Max ON

HMB Beta Hydroxy beta methylbutrate 

​What is HMB ? and why is it so important ? 
HMB is a natural component of mothers Milk , a super metabolite of one of the BCAAS 
Branch Chain Amino Acids called l-leucine

  • Strengthens Immune system

  • Lowers Blood Cholesterol 

  • Protects agains stress and builds strong muscle

  • Tests show increases in V02 max aerobic conditioning

  • Enables High Intensity exercise

  • In some tests muscle mass and strength gains + 50%

  • Helps melt body fat as an inverse result of the above

  • Aides in muscle wasting diseases like cancer, Aids etc 

Bottom Line HMB has been used and recomended by Olympic Althetes and nautral body builders and fitness clients who wish to stop valuable muscle waisting and increase aerobic capacity at the same time while dieting and conducting intensive exercise.HMB works in harmony with BCAA's 
(Refer HMB text book by R.A.Passwater for more details)


Introducing RAMPAGE the worlds strongest Testosterone Booster.

Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors 

Urban Muscle Rampage .

The wait is over... a new era of testosterone enhancement is born... and for the men who choose to use it... life will never be the same!

Introducing RAMPAGE the worlds strongest Testosterone Booster.

Rampage is a extremely powerful natural testosterone enhancer that leaves all others in it's wake.

Comprised of the finest quality ingredients at levels that leave other brands quivering in the corner.
Rampage delivers a boost to your hormonal system that has to be felt to be believed.

We recommend starting slow and gradually increasing your dose to the
maximum of 3 capsules per day if necesarry.

The extremely high levels of quality extracts have allowed RAMPAGE to be listed and approved by the TGA for the following indications:-

  • Supports levels of Testosterone, Leuteinising hormone and DHEA.

  • Maintain the health of the prostate.

  • Supports healthy libido and sexual function.

The truth behind natural testosterone boosters

has been kept a well guarded secret for many years.

Most companies don't want the public knowing twhat the ACTIVE extracts are thats make a test booster potent as they usually have little or none in their products.
Well Urban Muscle are happy to lift the lid on what it is you should be looking for...
Protodioscin is a very powerful,and expensive extract found in some tribulus varieties .
Now don't be fooled into thinking that all tribulus contains high levels of protodioscin, most don't.

If you see a testosterone booster for sale, 

  • check the protodioscin levels on the label,

  • IF the product doesn't show you how much is in it

  • YOU can be pretty sure there is little or no protodioscin in the product.

    Rampage is the world's strongest natural testosterone booster with a massive 500mg dose of protodioscin per serve!

    This is combined with Piper Nigrum which has been clinicaly proven to increase absorbtion by more than double!!
    But Rampage doesn't finish there, we added a serious dose of Urtica Dioica which greatly inhibits testosterone convertion to DHT and Oestrogen.
    This makes for a very safe and side effect free product.
    Urtica Dioica also keeps your testosterone in its effective ‘free’ form
    that is crucial for strength and muscle growth.
    RAMPAGE will allow you to blow away your previous records in the gym, track, and field.


Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors 

Anchor 6 Rampage
Anchor 8 HEAT


What are they ? How do they work?

Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors 

Product Description


Finally, a heavy duty fat burner that is actually healthy!
That's right folks, the cutting edge ingredients in LT4 (unlike 98% of other fatloss products) are not only NOT BAD for you, they have been proven to have many possitive health benefits too!


Urban Muscle's LT4 is a combination of nutrients with lipotropic properties, to assist in the removal of fats from the liver, and support the metabolism of fats and cholesterol in the body. LT4 also contains acetyl l-carnitine which assists in the transport of fat across the cell membranes in muscle tissue for use as an energy source and supports exercise capacity, endurance and stamina.


LT4 supports healthy weight and body composition and helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels by supporting the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream into cells.


Per Serve (4 tabs)

  • 1000mg - Acetyl l-carnitine

  • 1000mg - Choline Bitartrate

  • 1000mg - Methionine

  • 1000mg - Inositol


LT4 - Fast, Effective Fat Loss without the Side Effects 








Transport fats, Detoxify Liver, lower Cholesterol ,increase energy  

Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors 

Anchor 7 LT4
Anchor 10 GH

Urban Muscle FLEX

Each Teaspoon 4.5 grams is 3 to 4 times stronger than any competitor

The world's strongest joint support formula

  •  a whopping 2400mg of Glucosamine per serve!
    We've also added the key ingrdients

  • Chondroitin(600mg),

  • MSM(910mg)

  • and Vitamin C.


Whether you're a runner, weight trainer, fighter or any other athlete
Urban Muscle's Flex can provide some serious joint support.
Don't put up with sore joints any longer!
Start on Flex today and feel the difference.


Delicious Lemon Lime flavour

Look Here 

  • 2,400 mg

  • 600 mg Chondrotin

  • 910mg MSM 

Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors 

Any naturopath will tell you that it is far more effective to take the powders by the teaspoon for a couple of good reasons:

  • you need the quality ie 4.5 grams for the product to be effective

  • Glucosamine Hydrochloride   is superior and requires no stabalizers unlike the inferior and cheaper  Glucosamine Sulphide (used in most commercial formulas) which is  inherently unstable compound not used in FLEX  

  • Chondroitin    (derived from shark cartilage) 

  • MSM (Methylsulphonylmethane) is a naturally occurring organic sulphur compound found in all living plant and animal tissues. It is essential for all bodily systems and normal organ functions.

  • Vitamin C for wound healing and joint repair 

Kickboxers ,Weighlifters,Runners Swear by It! 

Anchor 9 FLEX


Urban Muscle
Nectar of the Gods

is a revolution in post workout
nutrition with it's combination of

ultra fast absorbing

  • Whey Protein Isolates

  •  simple and
    complex Carbs

  •  Glutamine

  •  a huge dose of BCAA's

  •  and Electrolites

  •  plus a super refreshing
    Lime Splash flavour

  • Plus Orange-split 
     Nectar of the Gods has no rivals in the post workout nutrition game.
    Never before has there been such a complete post training formula, from body builders to triathletes and anyone in between this product will transform the way you think about your post training drink. 


Urban Muscle’s “Nectar of the Gods” is a revolution in post training nutrition,
not only for your body but for your tastebuds too! 
It contains:

  • some of the fastest absorbing proteins known to man and both short and long chain glucose polymers.

  • N.O.T.G also includes the maximum allowable amount of BCAA’s and the heavy weight of the amino acid world

  • L-glutamine. Glutamine makes up a staggering 62% of the amino acids in skeletal muscle and plays a major role in protein synthesis.

  • The electrolites sodium , potassium and magnesium are also included.

Nectar of the Gods with its cool refreshing lime spash and pine orange split flavour will catapult you back to life after those gruelling sessions at the gym, field, or track.


Nectar of the Gods has been formulated specifically as a post training drink and is ideal for that purpose.  However for optimum results, it is essential to keep protein available in your system all through the day. 
For this purpose we would recommend that you use Urban Muscle’s Platinum Blend with its precise blend of highly bio-available and extended release proteins, midway between meals and before bed. 
Get optimum results from your workouts, with the superior combination of nutritional support from Urban Muscle.

Try Nectar of the Gods on 400ml of cold water for a refreshing blast after training. Your muscles will feel the difference. 



Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors 

Protein drinks ?
are they created Equal ?

Urban Muscle Platinum Blend .


Platinum Blend could well be the
world's most delicious protein! 

It's hard to believe, but this extreamly
hi-tech blend of 5 proteins with it's
fast-medium-slow release mixes
instantly and tastes better than a


Platinum Blend is a precise blend of the highest qaulity WPI(2 forms), WPC, Egg Albumen and Casien. Urban Muscle have also added extra BCAA's to the mix at the maximum allowable levels. It took our team of experts over a year to get this superior protein blend tasting as smooth and delicious as it does and we are sure you'll agree it was worth the wait.


Platinum Blend makes having protein shakes a very pleasant experience so you will actually want to take them as often as you should.


In a nutshell, the world has never experience anything like this before, the perfect protein with a sensational taste.



 We at Urban Muscle believe that our Platinum Blend of

  • Ion-exchange WPI

  •  Ultra Filtered WPI

  •  Ultra Filtered WPC

  • Ultra Filtered Casein

  • and Egg Albumen
    is the best possible combination as a stand alone protein throughout the day and night. Our meticulously chosen blend is based on 15 years research and development, combining our own vast experience with supplementation, input from top professional and amateur athletes and consultation with Top Australian Food Scientists. This has proven to us that the multi blend of proteins out performs all other single proteins to ensure the optimum levels of amino acids in your blood stream at all times. 


A closer look at the proteins


Ion Exchange WPI -  The purest form of protein available with an exceptional amino acid 

profile, the highest  biological value and and the highest efficacy ratio of all protein sources.


Ultra Filtered WPI - Super fast absorbing protein with a very high biological availability which 

is perfect for rapid absorption of aminos.


Ultra Filtered WPC - Easily digested full spectrum Whey Protein Concentrate has a high biological value and is naturally high in branch chain amino acids BCAA'S

Ultra filtered Casein -anti catabolic protein with a very slow absorption rate that keeps amino acids releasing into the bloodstream for many hours.


Egg Albuben -egg Protein is considered a nearly perfect source of protein because it's amino acid pattern best matches that needed by humans.

Platinum Blend is designed to be absorbed rapidly into the bloodstream and keep feeding hungry muscles for up to 8 hours ! This will ensure maximum possible results!


Platinum Blend is designed to be absorbed rapidly into the bloodstream and keep feeding hungry muscles for up to 8 hours! This will ensure the maximum possible results!

Try it for yourself on 300ml of cold water or 400ml of cold milk and experience protein like nothing before. The Platinum blend is truely a taste sensation.

Four delicious flavours

  •  Chocolate Dream

  •  Vanilla Cream

  •  Strawberry Fresh

  • and Banana.

Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors 

Protein drinks ? are they created Equal ?

MAX-ON has been developed for athletes who find it difficult to gain weight.
MAX-ON will give a massive nutritional edge to those who need extra protein for recovery and growth as well as carbohydrates to support their extra energy needs.
If you're sick of low quality weight gainers that yield little or no result Max-On is the product for you.
With by far the best protein profile of any weight gainer on the world market you can be sure Max-On will deliver the results you're looking for.

MAX-ON also has added anabolic 

  • BCAA’s and the anticatabolic 

  • L-Glutamine giving your body the arsenal it needs for fast results.
    MAX-ON would be best suited to Hard Gainers, Young Trainers looking to increase body mass, Atheletes with high calorie expenditure,

  • Pre season Footballers and as a Meal Replacement for those on the run.

A closer look at the proteins in MAX-ON

  • Ion Exchange WPI -  The purest form of protein available with an exceptional amino acid profile, the highest  biological value and and the highest efficacy ratio of all protein sources.

  • Ultra Filtered WPI - Super fast absorbing protein with a very high biological availability which is perfect for rapid absorption of aminos.

  • Ultra Filtered WPC - Easily digested full spectrum Whey Protein Concentrate has a high biological value with medium release,

  • and is naturally high in branch chain amino acids (BCAA’S).

  • Ultra Filtered Casein - Anti-catabolic protein with a very slow absorption rate that keeps amino acids releasing into the bloodstream for many hours.

  • Egg Albumen - Egg Protein is considered a nearly perfect source of protein because its amino acid pattern best matches that needed by humans.

MAX-ON is designed to provide superior results by combining sustained release proteins with high quality carbohydrates for enhanced energy and growth.


Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors 

  • Example Tribilus(Rampage)

  • Protodioscin 501 mg per 3 caps
    without protodioscin the tribulus is low quaity and 'rubbish' most brands have little or no protodioscin the ACTIVE INGREDIENT that makes it WORK!

  • Recovery (reserrect) each serve has

  • 5 grams ( 1 teaspoon) of L-Glutamine

  • 5 grams (1 teaspoon) of BCAAS branch chain aminos 

  • 1.5 grams of HMB hydroxy-methylbutyrate 

    The Quanity per serve is required for GENUINE RESULTS 
    many retail compainies cheat clients with commercial BS and the actual quanity of dosages in their supplements dont stack up !



(That are actually GOOD FOR YOU)


Product Description


A True Thermogenic fat loss supplement with unrivaled ingredient levels.  

Literally melt fat like never before!  


HEAT is the first thermogenic fat burner on the world market to incorporate CLINICAL doses of the most potent ingredients known to incinerate fat!
Check our ingredient levels versus your current favourite fat burner and you will be SHOCKED!
Heat has no rival in the Thermogenic game and will prove to be the best weight loss product of the decade.


Many of our "competitors" use caffeine(cheap) in their "fat burners" to cover for the extremely low levels of the most important(and expensive) ingredients.
This will give you a stimulant effect that will likely release cortisol and break down muscle.
This is very counter productive to losing fat as muscle is the fernace where the fat is burnt.

Heat has NO added caffeine or guarana.


HEAT will release your unwanted fat stores into the blood stream allowing your body to use fat as its main fuel source thus decreasing stored body fat.


Each capsule contains:                        


  • Urban Muscle HEAT helps to stimulate the body’s natural fat burning processes (Thermogenesis)
    which supports the burning of stored body fat. HEAT may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and improve HDL/LDL ratio. HEAT also contains active ingredients with antioxindant activity and can therefore help to inhibit free radical damage.


  • HEAT  contains Kelp, as a source of Iodine
    which plays an essential role in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. (click links for descriptions)


  • HEAT also helps to helps to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.


Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors 

FINALLY a SUPPLEMENT named after me GH Graham Healy ha! ha!



60 x 3 gram serves

Urban Muscle - UM GH Catalyst is a natural HGH supplement that will have you feeling on top of the world in no time.
HGH or Human Growth Hormone is a protein hormone made up of 191 amino acids and is secreted by cells located in the pituitary gland called somatrophs.
The human body continues to produce the same amount of growth hormone for it’s entire life, however the aging pituitary cells release less and less as we get older. GH release declines at a rate of about 14% per decade which greatly contributes to the aging process and is directly associated with symptoms such as wrinkling of the skin, drecreased energy, graying hair, reduced sexual function, increased body fat, cardiovascular disease, poor sleep and many more.
Because HGH is the master hormone in the body, it controls all other hormone levels including the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen.
What can higher GH levels do for me?

  • Improved sleep quality (particularly REM sleep)

  •  Decreased body fat

  •  Elevated mood

  •  Increased lean muscle and repair

  •  Increased energy and vitality

  •  Increased bone strength 

  •  increased sexual function

  • Better Kidney function

  • increase HDL,decrease LDL cholesterol

  • Faster wound healing

  • Hair re-growth

  • Enhances activities of all other hormones 

  • Increase Immune fuction 

  • Increase Exercise performance

  • decrease blood pressure

  • Increase memory retention

  • Decrease menopausal symptoms

  • Removes wrinkles
    and much more.

as other amino acids can prevent this very special amino combination from doing it’s job.
Take one rounded teaspoon (3g) before bed or upon rising.
Try our 60 serve (2 month supply) for yourself, you won't be disappointed.

100% Australian Owned Manufactured in Brisbane Queensland

Compare Dosage and Quality of this GH product we are 1/3 less expensive than any competitor WHY ? We manufacture in TGA approved local Brisbane, Queensland, Australia laboratories NO MIDDLE MAN TO PAY  

The Fountain of Youth and it works!

Urban Muscle’s GH Catalyst is based on the formula discovered by Italian researcher A.Isidori the University of Rome in 1981.

In the study 15 male volunteers were given an oral dose of a combination of two amino acids (1200mg. l-arginine-2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylate & 1200mg l-lysine hydrochloride) on an empty stomach. This provoked a release of pituitary somatropin(natural HGH) at very significant level and was found to be easily reproducible. The study showed a massive 700% increase in growth hormone levels within 90 minutes of administration and levels were still elevated by over 300% 8hrs later.


Professor Barry Finnin

Click on image to link to 
Professor Barrie Finnin 
Monash University


Click Above for
Supplement Time Line
by Graham Healy

Professor Barrie Finnin
BPharm, PhC, PhD, FPS
of Monash University Melbourne Australia
is the foremost authority 
on the study of Amino Acids and bio pathways in the body .

ProfessorBarrie Finnin has been used by the

  • Australian Government

  • Major drug companies and

  • sports supplement companies

  •  advised Olympic medallists

  • International tennis players

  • test cricket players

  • international Rugby and Rugby league players

  • Award winning body-builders on use of sports supplements

  • He is Australia's formost Authority and his reputation preceeds him 




Click on image to link to 
Professor Barrie Finnin 
Monash University


Professor Finnin

Click above image
HMB by  Richard A Passwater PhD and John Fuller


HMB by Richard J Passwater PhD and John Fuller

Click on image 
Supplement review by Bill Phillips


Supplement review Bill Philllips

Don't take my Word for it do your own research click my reference Library link

Click Above for
Supplement Time Line
by Graham Healy

Anchor 11 Reference Library

© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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To Schedule An Appointment

Call Mob 0411 393 503

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