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​Certificate 3 & 4 in  Sports Coaching
is achieved through Healys Education by flexible Learning and
Healy’s ‘fast track’ system.

Healy’s ‘fast track’ system
isn’t a ‘short cut’ system but is like an navigating ‘overview’ of the course
material from a practical stand point .
the points cover by Healy’s ‘fast track’ are :

Martial Arts Industry is a Focus at Healys Health
as Graham Healy is an 8 th dan Master in his own right , therefore has all the practical skills in what is involved in running a Martial Arts school and teaching students in groups.

Sports Coaching Certificate 3 & 4

What is the Difference between Sports Coaching
and Fitness Certifications ?

This question is asked frequently and is somewhat confusing , here is the answer

  • Fitness Certification is mainly focused on Gym programming
    and the Personal Trainer type business

  • The core subjects or competencies are slightly different

  • In such that Fitness focuses more on: 

  • Postural Alignment

  • Anatomy

  • Physiology

  • Diet and Nutrition 

  • and very focused on for example say a:

  • 12 week transformational challenge
    for example where a personal trainer is ‘getting results’ for a client.
    Bottom line if you want a Job in a Health club
    or running your own Personal training business

  • then Fitness cert 3 & 4 is the way to go.

  • Sports Coaching is more focused on group training 
    and risk management emphasises of say

  • a rugby league coach

  • or a martial arts Instructor , where the focus is more:

  • Group situations rather than individual ,
    although there is obvious cross over areas. 
    Bottom Line is if you are running a martial arts club
    and or a rugby League coach
    and you are NOT doing individualized programming in
    a health centre scenario then:

  • Sports Coaching cert 3 & 4 is the way to Go.

Key Differences ?  

  • Fitness certificate 3 & 4 has ongoing CEC (Continuing Education Competencies) points which are issued by Fitness Australia and requires continual updates and courses to be done relevant to the Fitness Industry to ‘keep current’ for example a minimum of 9 CEC points is required per year, and these points are obtained by doing ‘approved’ courses in the fitness industry that have been registered with CEC value points allocated by Fitness Australia.

  • Sports Coaching does not require this and is a lifetime Qualification , that does not require registration with and unified ‘peak body’ as basically each Sport has its own relative ‘peak body’ that sets the ‘rules’.

Insurances ?

      Generally Fitness Australia issues a more cost effective Insurance then you can obtain through Sports Coaching , however , you simply have to ‘shop  
     around’ for the Best deal with relevant Insurance companies.

  • Healy’s Health can guide you to our preferred insurance companies.


Regarding Sports Coaching ?

      most of the sports coaching points are usually done by RPL in Healy's Education.

      For Example a martial arts instructor who has been running schools for many years will approach
      Healy's Education and we will facilitate a RPL (recognized prior learning) based on their years of experiance.


The main emphasis here is that you ‘cannot teach what you cant do yourself’
     in the Fitness industry ‘experience counts’ and Graham  Healy is adamant about professional standards which he believes has been eroded and
     sacrificed by some organizations to make a ‘quick buck’ this has been demonstrated recently January 2013  where Quote “intense government auditing
     of RTO's (ACSD included) resulted in the reduction of over half of the contract holders from 650 to less than 280 "preferred providers."
     In the words of the "Australian Newspaper" to get rid of the "shonky operators.”


    Healys Health is an ‘approved industry partner of ACSD in the Brisbane Queensland Area’

RPL Recognized Prior Learning ?
If you have Prior learning and experience in the Sports Coaching and you can supply ‘evidence’ of this then RPL may be the way for you to go.
     RPL requires you to establish ‘evidence’ that you have completed the required competencies, either by other forms of education, or, practical experience
     that has documented evidence to support that .For example you may have been a professional sports person, Olympic weightlifter etc and have years of
     practical experience training people and simply wish to match your skill with the appropriate recognized qualification then RPL is for you.


Fitness Australia Registration?   

    This is not applicable to Fitness Australia as their Focus is on Fitness Certification Only

First Aid ?

  • St Johns Ambulance is the preferred First Aid service provider Healy’s Education


Employment ?
Healy’s Education gets you Industry ready, and we understand what it is like to survive
     in the fitness industry and the long term personal training life employment expectancies.

     Graham Healy has been in the industry for over 40 years and is one of the longest
     surviving original ‘personal trainers’ so has learned a lot of practical tips and tricks to
​     survive over the years and can offer some ‘practical’ guidance.


What do you expect from a Course from Healy’s Education ?

  • Nationally recognized Qualification

  • Fitness Australia acceptable

  • Cost Effective Insurance

  • Practical ‘real World’ ready and Industry employable   



     The skills acquired in this course are consistent with the minimum
     accepted industry standards to become a Nationally Recognised senior Martial Arts Coach.

     Upon successful completion of this Certificate IV course,
     you will be able to work as a Senior Martial Arts Coach, you will have the skills to manage

  • Martial arts school/s

  • Sporting clubs

  • Lead and manage individuals and teams

  • Provide training and education to team members

  • Athlete performance programs

  • Manage events and work with officials

  • Market clubs and programs

 The sporting disciplines below give a Scope for the sports coaching

  • AFL

  • Canoeing - whitewater

  • Hockey

  • Soccer (Football)

  • Athletics

  • Cricket

  • Martial arts

  • Surf life saving

  • Baseball

  • Equestrian - general

  • Netball

  • Swimming

  • Basketball

  • Equestrian – show horse

  • Rugby League

  • Tennis

  • Canoeing – canoe polo

  • Golf professional

  • Rugby Union

  • Touch

  • Canoeing - flatwater

  • Gymnastics

  • Squash

  • Volleyball





© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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To Schedule An Appointment

Call Mob 0411 393 503

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