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Healys Institute of Integrated Health and Fitness














  • Sports Science

  • Nutrition

  • Supplementation

  • Sports medical

  • Chiropractic

  • Lower back care

  • Postural Function

  • Fitness Education

  • Personal Training

  • Sports Coaching

  • Risk management

  • Self defence/martial arts

  • Security advise

  • Duty of care and Safety 

      Your Mentor Master Trainer 
              Graham Healy

  • Diploma Fitness
    (specializing in Lower
     Back care and resolutions)

  • Diploma in sports Coaching
    (specializing in Martial Arts)

  • Olympic weighlifter 1976
    (Qld titles mid heavy)
    Coached by famous
    Olympian Nev Perry

  • 8th dan Master
    Martial Arts (specializing in
    Boxing,TKD,Integrated Combat

  • Health Centre Owner with
    2,000 members 1989-93

  • Oringinal Body for Life coach (tm)

  • 40 years +experience.


The Flow chart of the Healy's Education System is designed to "OPEN THE WINDOW" to see the "DEPTH" of what we are actually teaching in our Course and I attempt to 'put it all together' for you, my mind 'thinks in flow-charts' GH 

Detailed Breakdown of this section with 'links' and 'reference points' 

  • ​Overview of 'how to' actually conduct a 12 week challenge

  • Periodized Program timing and design of weights program and 
    associated interville training and correct protocols and why?

  • skinfolds and body composition projections over 12-16 weeks

  • Nutrition plans

  • Supplement Planning and couuect use of before ,intra,and post supplementation and why?

  • photographs before & after 

  • goal setting and matching client goals with lifestyle and sporting objectives

  • how to interview client and design the best program for their lifestyle and work commitments ​

  • how to interview a client and determine if medical issues are an obstacle

  • how to quickly see and postural alignment issues with client and associated muscle imbalance 

  • how to interview using the Healy's TAP forms (Time affordably partner) screening 

  • how to motivate a potential client to 'sign up' 

Detailed Breakdown of this section with 'links' and 'reference points' 

  • Understanding functional anatomy and the limitations of exercises and dangers of 'bad practices' and why ?

  • Why 'Swiss balls' are useless and why?

  • Functional training and the miscomceptions on what is function and purpose and end goals 

  • Muscle and Motion technology and Kinesiology and how to us the Muscle and motinion programing 

  • Differerent forms of Stretching Muscles and the benefits of each particular system

  • Practical Stretching to resolve prostural alignment issues

  • How to work in professionaly with Doctor of Chiropractic and the Healy's proven system for Lower back pain and resolutions 


  • Anatomical and Human Movement termonology 

  • vertebral Column

  • Joints

  • Factors influencing Bone and Muscle strength

  • Body's Chemical and Electrical Energy systems

  • Different Muscle Fibres and crossovers 

  • How Exercise effects Muscle fibre growth and development 

  • Cardiovascular System and How it works

  • Physiological and Biochemical Adaptations to training and the body's systems   


OVERVIEW Healy's 'Interface' Fast Track system

  • Practical workshops 5 x (2 to3 )hrs every second Saturday ,or when mutually suitable
    Overview -Fast Track

  • Anatomy and physiology

  • Muscle and Motion on Healy’s education


  • Skin folds and projections-
    every 4 weeks to a 12 week challenge

  • Exercise Programming 

  • Supplements and Diet/Nutrition

  • Practical Personal Training 

  • Sales and Marketing 

Detailed Breakdown of this section with 'links' and 'reference points' 

  • The correct way to practically do skinfold analysis on males and females and how to interpret the Skind fold formula's referencing our source texts 

  • How to conduct practical projections and analysis 

  • Exercise Programming , periodization and how to analysise a multitude of different occupations and work scenarios and sporting scenarios to adapt the best program to suit the client ,including lifestyle analysis

  • supplements & Diet/nutrition ,the scientific reasons behind correct suplementation for pre,intra and post workout and the bodies recovery system9how it works) and delayed muscle soreness and how to time nutritiuon for best recovery cycles .

  • practical Personal Training how to educate and motivate clients with a working knowledge of why they are doing exercises the Healy's methodology

  • sales and Marketing , understanding what motivates clients and how to deliver the results they want and be 100% genuine about it . How to deliver the TAP healy's method of sales (Time, Affordability & Partner) .
    How to market your business ,face book ,Web sites and google also referal systems and word of mouth.



  • Postural Alignment and how to determine and what to look for

  • Lower back, spine and hip care and how to determine what to do 

  • Risk management and duty of care
    (and what to look out for to keep your practices safe
     In the mix of the above points)



  • Leadership (You can’t teach what you can’t do yourself)

  • Boxing Techniques (The Real Stuff not Aerobics teacher stuff) 

  • Martial arts Techniques and training drills
    (the Real deal  practical and safe skills and drills) 

Detailed Breakdown of this section with 'links' and 'reference points' 


  • Postural Alignment and how to determine and what to look for
    Overview conducted by our preferred Chiropractor who are the qualifed experts in postural Alignment and in fact have spent 7 years minimum at university level studys to become a Doctor of Chiropractic. We conduct group lectures with students so that they get the 'Big picture' on Spine & Hip Alignment.

  • Lower back, spine and hip care and how to determine what to do 
    In the above process , the Student sees how a professional Dr. of Chiropratic analysis patients and therfore get a clear understanding of the process from xrays to alignment.

  • Risk management and duty of care
    (and what to look out for to keep your practices safe
     In the mix of the above points)
    Our co-director Mr.Rob Phillips is a qualified Lawyer and Risk management is a legal area and most people do not understand the legal ramifications , Healy's crarify all points of Law with expert advise from our "in house ' Lawyer .
    If you want to know something go to the Facts of Law .


  • Leadership (You can’t teach what you can’t do yourself)
    in this process we teach Students how to "lead from the front" 
    by real experience "not theory" what actually warks .

  • Boxing Techniques (The Real Stuff not Aerobics teacher stuff)
    It seems that various courses say they are a 'qualified boxing instructor' ? what they should say is that they are qualified in doing 'hand movements' with Gloves on .
    Graham Healy's family is a 4th generation Boxing family and you will be taught "real Boxing" techniques taht can be used in the real world (only skills and drills for clients no contact) 

  • Martial arts Techniques and training drills
    (the Real deal  practical and safe skills and drills) 
    Graham Healy 8th dan Martial Arts has b een a practicioner for 40 + years and taught personally by the lengendary Grandmaster Young Ku-Yun 9th dan .
    wouldn't you like to learn the "kicking skills & drills" from a Master ?  

Personal Trainers Professional Accreditation Certification
is Personally signed off by Principal and Director of UMASD Pty Ltd 
Graham Healy and co-director Lawyer and legal counsel to UMASD Pty Ltd. Mr.Robert Phillips 

My Associate & Friend Amit Gal Alon founder of Muscle & Motion 

Amit  is a graduate of Zinman College at the Wingate Institute, Israel. He specialized in Clinical Kinesiology.
Muscle & Motion FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY web site is the Worlds Best Anatomy Education site and is very economical to subscribe to:
Healy's recommend all students subscribe to this resource 

muscle and motion

Above is a sample of
Muscle & Motion Visual reasource

Sample of Healy's 

(the complete overview to weights training)

Sample of Healy's 

© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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To Schedule An Appointment

Call Mob 0411 393 503

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