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Self-Defense Association

Lifes EXPERIENCE Teaches you these Things , as one of my mentors used to say "one ounce of EXPERIENCE equals  ten Tonne of Theory" and I find that the practical applicatios of all things is really where its at , you will never replace PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE its too bad that most of books and theories written are by those who have the least practical and life experience , you find common sense and practical experienced people either write very brief practical books or simply do not have the time , thank God for the internet where I can load some of my 'lifes experiences' and one day i will get around to writing the books .

Yours in Life,

Graham Healy 8th dan
Dip Sports-Coaching
Dip Fitness
Former Olympic Weighlifter Qld Titles 1976


"The VISION of ISDA is a NON COMPETITIVE  Like Spirited 
Martial Artists and Key Leaders of strategic Influence who wish to Associate on the basics of building a better society through the discipline and TRUE SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY of Martial Arts.
ISDA will hold World Symposiums and non competitive displays of 
Martial Arts enjoyable for all the family with a 'Light & Friendly' non competitive atmosphere  promoting and a 'sharing of knowledge' is the key. Promoting Peace & Harmony is the focus not interpersonal Violence. Focusing on the ART not SPORT is ISDA's mentality .
Every human being has a legal right to defend themselves and family and loved ones and originally this was the pure foundational base of all martial arts  and continues to be the teaching basis of ISDA founder  Master Graham Healy 8th dan."


© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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