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Healy’s ‘fast track’ system isn’t a ‘short cut’ system but is like an navigating ‘overview’ of the course material

from a practical stand point .

You can complete this Course like a Personal Training Project with Sessions that Educate you along the way

with our 'fast track study package' as a complementary

addition towards your FITNESS EDUCATION 


 OVERVIEW Healy's 'Interface' Fast Track system

  • Overview -Fast Track
    Practical workshops 5 x (2 to3 )hrs every second Saturday ,
    or when mutually suitable

  • Anatomy and physiology

  • Muscle and Motion on Healy’s education

  • Skin folds and projections every 4 weeks to a 12 week challenge

  • Sales and Marketing 

  • Exercise Programming 

  • Supplements and Diet/Nutrition

  • Practical Personal Training 

  • Postural Alignment and how to determine and what to look for

  • Lower back, spine and hip care and how to determine what to do 

  • Leadership (You can’t teach what you can’t do yourself)

  • Boxing Techniques (The Real Stuff not Aerobics teacher stuff) 

  • Martial arts Techniques and training drills
    (the Real deal  practical and safe skills and drills) 

  • Risk management and duty of care
    (and what to look out for to keep your practices safe
     In the mix of the above points)


Fitness a Systematic Approach 
By Leo Young and Tony Shields 

is the 'Benchmark'

in reference text 

superior to any other texts in my opinion 
the 'Cornerstone' 

of Healy's System 
Graham Healy 

was mentored by 
Leo Young & Tony Shields
 both Sports scientists 

For the Full contents of
"Fitness a systematic approach
(Click here)


By Completing 1or 2 x 12 week Transformational Challenges you will learn not only 'How to Do' but you will prove it to yourself that the Healy's System WORKS and 'HOW TO APPLY' what you have Learned with our
(e) Learning back up references.

You do at least 2 x 12 week transformational Challenges mapping your development and progress so that you can teach others to do the same
If on the other hand you have some sporting or training experience then that should make this course more relevant to what you already know
(fast track points written here)

Now this includes 5 week-end(every second week) of 2-3 hour tutorials with Graham Healy personally as well  as our  Tutorial  experts such as our
Chiropractors and Lower limb specialists , to get you ‘up to speed’ rapidly.
If you have had no training experience before then we require that you complete at least one 12 week transformational challenge complete with before and after pictures, some of our students complete 2 challenges, before they feel confident.
The main emphasis here is that you ‘cannot teach what you cant do yourself’ in the Fitness industry ‘experience counts’ and

Graham  Healy is adamant about professional standards which he believes has been eroded and sacrificed by some organizations to make a ‘quick buck’ this has been demonstrated recently January 2013  where Quote “intense government auditing of RTO's (ACSD included) resulted in the reduction of over half of the contract holders from 650 to less than 280 "preferred providers." In the words of the "Australian Newspaper" to get rid of the "shonky operators.”

FACT IS THE GOVERNMENT IS "RE-ACTIVE" & NOT "PRO-ACTIVE" 'shonky RTO's abound' Healy's believe by 2016 the system is almost totally corrupted.

What you Learn through the Healy's System gives you the 'Keys' to 'Interface' any other system with solid practical knowledge & Education that
 'puts-it-all-together' in a complete 
compentency based package 

  • Practical Applications and RPL possibilities
    I am assuming that you already have some GYM training experience, however, if you have no experience then I suggest that


  • RPL Recognized Prior Learning
    If you have Prior learning and experience in the Fitness Industry and you can supply ‘evidence’ of this then RPL may be the way for you to go.
    RPL requires you to establish ‘evidence’ that you have completed the required competencies, either by other forms of education, or, practical experience that has documented evidence to support that .For example you may have been a professional sports person, Olympic weightlifter etc and have years of practical experience training people and simply wish to match your skill with the appropriate recognized qualification then RPL is for you.​


Remember VET or Vocational Education Training is 'not Compulsery' and is 'Geared' to produce 'Competencies' in work related 'skills' so the 'Objective' of the whole exercise is to ensure that YOU are COMPETENT in the WORK SKILLS related to the Industry in this case Personal Training in the FITNESS INDUSTRY and Further the Scope at Healy's Health is the Martial Arts Industry as a Bonus relevant to Sports Coaching. SO the HEALY'S SYSTEM INTERFACES FITNESS & MARTIAL ARTS with the COMPETENCIES REQUIRED
Bottom Line is whatever Education program you undertake does it  Teach you the SKILLS REQUIRED?
The Healy's INTERFACE System (H.I.S.)does Just that !

  • Fitness Australia Registration ? 

  • Fitness Australia is a non profit peak body that ‘recognizes’ certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness in the Fitness industry and generally Health clubs will require that you have Fitness Australia registration before they will employ you also Fitness Australia has a very cost effective insurance (because of the huge volume of registrations) Note: there are now in 2016 Many 'so called' "Peak Bodies" ? the system becoming 'lost' in its own beacuracy.

  • Healy's Institute of Integrated Health & Fitness (HIOIHAF)  can give clients very ‘cost effective ‘ insurance registered with Lloyds of London.

  • First Aid St Johns Ambulance is the preferred First Aid service provider Healy’s Education

Fitness Australia is a NON PROFIT PEAK BODY you pay a 'Registration FEE' and they 'Recognize You' this does not make you competent , nor are you under any legal obligation to be a registered member of Fitness Australia , the main benefit is that you can recieve 'low cost Insurance' due to the Volume of Clients they process through the Insurance companies.
The 'Recognition' by any Peak Body is Relative and in no way has any bearing on Your personal Education Standards or Experience.
Healy's Interface System (H.I.S.) gives its Graduates a Statement of ACHIEVEMENT within our (H.I.S) system .
Also the Healys Institute of Integrated Health and Fitness (HIOIHAF) produces a Competency based "Professional Personal Trainers Acredditation certification. 
this is a Stand Alone Qualification that can be used as RPL in any other System (in most cases not necessary)
This is signed by Graham Healy founder of Healy's Health, Diploma in Fitness and Diploma in Sports Coaching , 8 th Dan Master in Martial Arts former Olympic weighlifter Queensland Titles 1976 (coached by Nev Perry 2x times Olympian Mexico and Rome Games)
40 years of Experience in the Health & Fitness & Martial Arts Industry,as well as the Modules of Competencies outlined by the H.I.S & HIOIHAF System  

  • Employment ?
    Healy’s Interface System (H.I.S.) and Healys Institute of Integrated Health and fitness (HIOIHAF) Education gets you Industry ready,
    and we understand what it is like to survive in the fitness industry and the
    long term personal training life employment expectancies. 
    Graham Healy has been in the industry for over 40 years and is one of the
    longest surviving original ‘personal trainers’ so has learned
    a lot of practical tips and tricks to survive over the years and
    can offer some ‘practical’ guidance.

  • What do you expect from a Course from Healy’s Inteface System (H.I.S.)and Healys Institute of Integrated Health and fitness (HIOIHAF)?
    Answer: Practical Outcomes That are Operational and Realistic

    in the 'REAL' business word and Competency Based .


Difference between the Healy's INTERFACE SYSTEM (H.I.S.) and other courses including the

'so called Nationally regognized' Certificate system (ie cert 3 & 4)

  • You recieve the same 'Healy's fast Track Interface System (H.I.S.) and Healys Institute of Integrated Health and fitness (HIOIHAF)'with appropiate Education modules and you will be taught using the Benchmark text "Fitness a Systematic approach" (see below)

  • You will recieve a Statement of Compentency & Achievement
    signed personally be Master Trainer Graham Healy.
    This will be in the form of a Certificate and a list of Compentcies as does the VET system but the main difference is that the modules and course
    IS NOT a pre-packaged and over-generalized course flogged by the multitude of RTO's today in what has become nothing more then a
    money making Ponzi Scheme  and a very few actually deliver real outcomes and 'Employable' Graduates . Unfortunatly all that generally happens is that the student is about $5,000 short in the back pocket and has no forseeable Job or positive outcome.
    (refer full discussion on the VET system and the Healy's (H.I.S.) System)
    there is a lot of money in fees,registrations etc,changing hands without any real Outcomes for the students, in my considered opinion, based on 40 years experience in the Industry. GH

  • Is the Healy's Interface (H.I.S.)System Nationally Recognized ? like the VET system ?
    No it is Not , not because the Education Standards are Not world class or the Practical Outcomes are of less quality ,
    I have chosed not to register the Healy's Interface System (H.I.S.) not because of Quality but because of Governement registeration fees are ridiculously high and in fact 'anybody can register any course' if they are prepared to pay the government fees, and as myself and other Health and Fitness mentors agree (including Sports scientists) that the VET system has degenerated over the last 20 years into a money making 'ponzi scheme' while the QUALITY of EDUCATION has degenerated proportionately ,so I have seperated myself from that process on purpose with an absolutely clear conscience.

  • You may however recieve RPL recognized Prior Learning from the Healy's Interface (H.I.S.) System if you wish to still do a certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness on some cost effective 'on line' organization that is cheap (and there are pleanty on line) to choose from, if required, to have that 'Bit of Paper' for any reason.

Costing of the Healy's Interface (H.I.S.) & (HIOIHAF)System

  • what I suggest is for YOU the Student to simply participate in at least one x 12 week transformation Challange  and if necessary you may do 2 x 12 week transformational Challanges depending on budget ,experience.etc 

  • Also to Lighten the Cost load you can BUDDY up with another partner and share cost the Education and 12 week challanges MAX GROUP IS 4 people .

  • This will be charge out at Master personal Training rates of $50 aud per hour and conducted personally by Master Trainer Graham Healy  

  • Additional Tuition will be charged out at $50 per hour Aud (so the study modules on Healy's Fast Track system) will have basic home work and you can REFERENCE back to this web site and become part of Healy's Health (e) Learning programme see MASTER PLAN

  • The Perspective of the Healy's INTERFACE (H.I.S.) System is like personal tuition and mentoring/apprentice like system

  • This can INTERFACE as an RPL on any other system but is a COMPLETE SYSTEM WITHIN ITSELF.

  • Any Healy's Health & Fitness Centre Now or in the FUTURE will only recognize the Healy's Interface (H.I.S.) System.
    and employment at any Healy's Health Centre or Martial Arts Instruction will EXCLUSIVELY be Conducted by our personally trained Instructors and Staff , Irrespective of any previous Education System .


  • 40 years of Experience has gone into the Healy's Interface System (H.I.S) and I believe it is the only system the has sucessfully PUT-IT-ALL-TOGETHER 
    Yours faithfully Graham Healy Founder Healy's Health 1985


by Sports Scientists Leo Young and Tony Shields 

The Benchmark in fitness Education 


Contents :   

  1. Fitness Health & Lifestyle by
    Dr Alan Roberts 

  2. Skeletal Anatonomy & Movement Terminology

  3. Muscle Structure & Function

  4. Energy Systems 

  5. cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems 

  6. Physiological & Biochemical Adaptations to Training 

  7. Considerations in Exercise Prescriptions

  8. Warm up ,Cool down & Related Issues

  9. Metabolic Classisification of Training

  10. Resistance Training

  11. General Fitness and Interference 
    (interference between Cardio & Strength training for example)

  12. Orientation to Aerobic Fitness Classes
    by Debra Tapiolas

  13. Special Populations 

  14. Thermoregulation

  15. Fitness Testing & Health Screening

  16. Nutrition by Peter Rhodes

  17. Injury Prevention 
    by Victor Popov & Vicki Powell

  18. Motivation
    by Peter Brown 


Above is an OUTLINE of the course content that Healy's Interface Systems (H.I.S.) &
Healy's Instutute of Integrated Health & Fitness (HIOIHAF)
as you can see the modules are fully comprehensive and meets the highest Education standards 

The FULL SCOPE of what the Healy's System Teaches is Overviewed on the


'The Physical Basis of Physical Education and Athletics' 
by Edward L.Fox and Donald K. Mathews
is the MASTER TEXT of universities degree Standard Education 
along with 'Fitness a systematic approach' by Leo Young and Tony Shields

we have dedicated a page on its own to overview the Text Contents as the
SCOPE & DEPTH of TPBOPEAA is the 'bench mark' in university education in Physical Education along with FASA
Graham Healy 

ps the 'depth' of 'knowledge' we believe at Healy's is necessary and our modules and teaching criteria is drawn from both these benchmark texts .

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© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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