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Healys Institute of Integrated Health and Fitness












  • Sports Science

  • Nutrition

  • Supplementation

  • Sports medical

  • Chiropractic

  • Lower back care

  • Postural Function

  • Fitness Education

  • Personal Training

  • Sports Coaching

  • Risk management

  • Self defence/martial arts

  • Security advise

  • Duty of care and Safety 


      Your Mentor Master Trainer 
              Graham Healy

  • Diploma Fitness
    (specializing in Lower
     Back care and resolutions)

  • Diploma in sports Coaching
    (specializing in Martial Arts)

  • Olympic weighlifter 1976
    (Qld titles mid heavy)
    Coached by famous
    Olympian Nev Perry

  • 8th dan Master
    Martial Arts (specializing in
    Boxing,TKD,Integrated Combat

  • Health Centre Owner with
    2,000 members 1989-93

  • Oringinal Body for Life coach (tm)

  • 40 years +experience.


You look on the Internet and find the 'so called' mentors in Health & Fitness have little or no 'real' experience and at best a very short 'history' or background'
You have to ask yourself HOW CAN THEY TEACH ME ANYTHING ? 
At the end of the day to be competent in any 'Skill' you have to learn from a MASTER.
when I was starting out 40 years ago thats Exactly what I did , in Boxing,Olympic weighlifting,Martial Arts , and Sports Science.
I looked for the relevent MASTERS of the various systems and APRENTICED myself to them .

This is the method of Teaching at Healy's Institute of Integrated Health and Fitness 
We have developed a completely INTEGRATED SYSTEM over 40 years of experience.

In All our Modules from weights training to Martial Arts the System is INTEGRATED and periodized scientifically so that YOU the Apprentice/student can be a complete all rounder and CONFIDENT that what we are teaching you actually works in the real world .


Personal Trainers Professional Accreditation Certification
is Personally signed off by Principal and Director of UMASD Pty Ltd 
Graham Healy and co-director Lawyer and legal counsel to UMASD Pty. Ltd. Mr.Robert Phillips 

Professional Personal Trainers Accreditation Certification

The Professional Personal Trainers Accreditation Certification  PPTAC issued by Healys Institute of Health and Fitness HIOIHAFis a level of professional Education compentency listed by HIS (refer page on Healy's Fast Track Fitness) and detailed in the overview of course subject in Fitness a Systematic Approach by Leo Yound and Tony Shields .
This is university standard study material complied by Australia's two most recognized Sports Scientists.
Your Accreditation and Certification meets the highest standards and can be used in Recognized Prior Learning R.P.L. in any other system including the VET system (Vocational Education System) if required , but should not be necessary.

Healy's Institute of Health and Fitness Legal Structure:
HIOHAF has a holding company UMASD PTY. LTD ABN 52167471123 where "Lawyer and our Legal Consultant" Robert Phillips is a co-director with co-Director Graham Healy and Healy's Health & Wellbeing ABN 50711604560 is the consulting entity to UMADS pty ltd.
This is a ATO (Australian Tax Office) Compliant and registered with ASIC Australian Securities Investment Commission giving you 'peace of mind' that our legal structure is 'above board' and 'Australian Government Legally compliant' we openly and transparently display this information as we notice on many education web sites this information is not clearly available. We remind clients that there has been various 'scams' in the education industry and we strongly advise you to check all entities claiming to be legitimate on the ASIC web site and ABN Australian Government search register   

Modules of compentency:
as Listed in "Fitness a Systematic Approach

  1. Fitness Health & Lifestyle by
    Dr Alan Roberts 

  2. Skeletal Anatonomy & Movement Terminology

  3. Muscle Structure & Function

  4. Energy Systems 

  5. cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems 

  6. Physiological & Biochemical Adaptations to Training 

  7. Considerations in Exercise Prescriptions

  8. Warm up ,Cool down & Related Issues

  9. Metabolic Classisification of Training

  10. Resistance Training

  11. General Fitness and Interference 
    (interference between Cardio & Strength training for example)

  12. Orientation to Aerobic Fitness Classes
    by Debra Tapiolas

  13. Special Populations 

  14. Thermoregulation

  15. Fitness Testing & Health Screening

  16. Nutrition by Peter Rhodes

  17. Injury Prevention 
    by Victor Popov & Vicki Powell

  18. Motivation
    by Peter Brown 


Personal Trainers Professional Accrediation Certification
is Personally signed off by Principal and Director of UMASD Pty Ltd 
Graham Healy and co-director Lawyer and legal counsel to UMASD Pty Ltd. Mr.Robert Phillips 

 OVERVIEW Healy's 'Interface' Fast Track system

  • Overview -Fast Track
    Practical workshops 5 x (2 to3 )hrs every second Saturday ,
    or when mutually suitable

  • Anatomy and physiology

  • Muscle and Motion on Healy’s education

  • Skin folds and projections every 4 weeks to a 12 week challenge

  • Sales and Marketing 

  • Exercise Programming 

  • Supplements and Diet/Nutrition

  • Practical Personal Training 

  • Postural Alignment and how to determine and what to look for

  • Lower back, spine and hip care and how to determine what to do 

  • Leadership (You can’t teach what you can’t do yourself)

  • Boxing Techniques (The Real Stuff not Aerobics teacher stuff) 

  • Martial arts Techniques and training drills
    (the Real deal  practical and safe skills and drills) 

  • Risk management and duty of care
    (and what to look out for to keep your practices safe
     In the mix of the above points)


Risk management and duty of care:
Sadly this area is not taught satisfactorly by many organizations , and the guidelines they use are overly beaucratic and complicated. Many sporting organizations and even Insurance companies have only a 'surface knowledge' of Risk management and duty of care . Our own co-Director of UMASDA pty ltd ABN 52167471123 Lawyer Robert Phillips personally teaches these modules and highlights the relevent laws covering various cases of litigation of past events and what the legal system looks for in these areas of critical importance so ineffectively covered by the majority of other organizations .

What is the Key difference between Healys Institute of Integrated Health & Fitness and a RTO (registered training organization)?
a R.T.O. is an organization that has 'paid a fee' to the VET (Vocational Education Training) registration board,The Australian Skills Quality Authority  basically the RTO pays a fee (anywhere between $12,000 to $20,000 aud (depending on how many 'Units' they wish to on sell) when they pay the fee, the RTO is registered and then can 'ONSELL' these courses listed on their web site and bearing the VET logo. These 'Units' of 'courses' as registered by any body who simply 'puts together a course; and then registeres that course (by paying another fee to ASQA) . Bottom line there is a lot of fees being paid , upon (in our opinion) sub standard courses , and a multitude of 'shady RTO's' who should have not been registered in the first place, or are now involved in scams, and ponzi schemes, selling 'certificates' to students especially overseas students. It is our considered opinion , after observing this process over the last 20 years that the system need a complete shake up , and has been currupted from the top down. Outcomes are not forthcoming of any significance , and there are a lot of students, who have paid $5,000aud or more for a certificate 3 and 4 thats is not worth the paper its written on.The Integrity of the RTO system is seriously in question and has gone backwards over the last 20years(and of course the Government/Legal system is 'reactive' not 'pro active'.
See here article on the Corruption in the Job network Agencies that has wasted over 9 billion of tax payers money over the last 10 years .

You must remember that the VET system is NOT COMPULSORY and there is absolutely ZERO leglislation covering the VET system, in fact , by nature the VET system originated as the original apprenticeship system , and even TODAY in 2015 the VET system recognizes LIFE SKILLS in RPL (recognized Prior Learning) of anybody with LIFE SKILL EXPERIENCE and this is what the VET system was suppose to be in the first instance a 'vehical' to bridge a student to up-skill them into another vocation , or gamefull employment.
Unfortuately , curruption has set in and the Quality and Integrity of skills and Education delivered (in our opinion) is seriously compromisted in many instances and falls short of the mark.  
Healys Institute of Integrated Health & Fitness:   
We believe we have re-enstated the INTEGRITY in what we do from a Legal company framework point of view and the Quality of Units that the HIOIHAF teaches including the text books we teach from and the mentoring methodology we use, which is really returning BACK to BASICS what the original purpose of these kind of courses were suppose to be about and that is to teach the student the SKILLS and EDUCATION behind those skills to be able to operate professionally in the Business world in a real and practical point of view.
Graham Healy has over 20 years in the Health & Fitness Industry and Martial Arts field and is the principle lecturer and mentor of HIOIHAF along with co-director and business partner Lawyer Robert Phillips and personally oversees all students and study processes .
The key method is Master and apprentice and with the technology of 2015 it is possible to duplicate and leverage the (one to one) effect that Graham Healy and Robert Phillips have focused on over the last 20 yaers, reproducing the QUALITY and INTEGRITY we require in the HIOIHAF system.


There are primarily 3 reqirements that Majority of Students/Learners/Clients want and that is : 
1)'one to one' Personal service 

2)Flexible solutions to problems (including Financial)

3)Fast effecient Information 

Healys Institute of Integrated Health & Fitness provides all of the above and is totally accountable and tranparent in everything we do , we DO NOT get Government 'hand outs' or 'subsidies' but are a 100% Australian Owned and operated business purpose driven to EDUCATE & MOTIVATE Students .

Personal Trainers Professional Accreditation Certification
is Personally signed off by Principal and Director of UMASD Pty Ltd 
Graham Healy and co-director Lawyer and legal counsel to UMASD Pty Ltd. Mr.Robert Phillips 

My Associate & Friend Amit Gal Alon founder of Muscle & Motion 

Amit  is a graduate of Zinman College at the Wingate Institute, Israel. He specialized in Clinical Kinesiology.
Muscle & Motion FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY web site is the Worlds Best Anatomy Education site and is very economical to subscribe to:
Healy's recommend all students subscribe to this resource 

muscle and motion

Above is a sample of
Muscle & Motion Visual reasource

Sample of Healy's 

(the complete overview to weights training)

Sample of Healy's 

© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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Call Mob 0411 393 503

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