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  • Professional Certificate Level Training

  • Regular Short Course Workshops

  • R.P.L. Recognized Prior Learning

  • (Now called bridging)

  • Group Bookings 


 Regular Short Course Workshops
  • Boxing Techniques
    (Be taught by a REAL BOXER not an 'aerobic Instructor' with the Healy's Family Boxing System that is a 'REAL' self-defense system not just 'doing Aerobics' with gloves on,learn STUFF THAT REALLY WORKS plus gets you in great shape.

  • Woman's Self Defense
    Learn how to defend yourself with easy to use techniques that work on 'pressure points' and 'nerve junctions' make the normal size female be able to defend against somebody twice your size ! ask us HOW ?

  • Healy's TKD an basic Kicks 
    8th dan Master Instructor Graham Healy was a founding Instructor of
    Yun Jung Do
    and was a professional full time Instructor under world Renouned
    Grandmaster Yun ku Yun (formerly 8th Dan Chairman of technique for
    I.T.F. International Tae kwon Do Federation for 25 years before establishing yun Jung Do in 1990-91.) GM Yun was arguably the best kicker in the ITF and his technique and speed & power was 'perfect' . Graham Healy was under direct personal tuition of GM Yun and retains the 'DNA' essence of GM Yun's teachings in what he teaches today.
    Learn from a Master who was taught by the Original TKD Masters of the Original First generation and SEE THE DIFFERENCE. further infomation HERE:


  • Close Quarters Self Defense
     The Healy's system INTERGRATES systems like commando krav maga Australia  into a system called Healy's INTEGRATED COMBAT SOLUTIONS where Graham Healy has studied Boxing,Tae kwon Do and basic Kick Boxing Pus Commando Krav Maga to use the 'essence' and'common threads' of these arts to produce a completely comprehensive system and 'user Friendly' and Legally compliant  

  • Security Industry Defense , Corrective Services,Police 
    'Proportionate Responce' is the Key here all based on Crimininal code 1899 .
    What is Crimonal Code 1899 ? if you don't know then you are are 'at serious RISK'
    more infomation HERE:


  • Supplements and Wellbeing
    Its a 'mine-field' out there what is the 'real truth' regarding supplements & Health ?
    Healy's have been advising clients for 40 years and Healy's Health Urban Muscle is 100% Australian owned,TGA approved and ASADA SAFE refer here 


  • Stretching/Lower Back Pain
    95% of people have some form of LOWER BACK PAIN the bottom line with whoever they see is RESULTS ? we find that clients have been getting various forms of treatment for YEARS with LITTLE OR NO RESULT! 
    The Healy's INTEGRATED LOWER BACK SYSTEM GET RESULTS ! QUICKLY (normally in 2 to 6 weeks) more Information HERE:


    Healy's INTERFACE SYSTEMS 'Literally' BRIDGES THE GAP between YOU and the SYSTEM 

    The SYSTEM is compartmentalized and connot 'think out of the box' 'solutions to 'all of the above' need a System to INTERFACE between 'YOU and the SYSTEM.'

    Graham Healy founder of Healys Health 1985 
    "thinking out of the box' for 40 plus years 


Make a positive change in your life by taking one of our regular short course workshops. Our workshops are all tailored to small groups and provide plenty of opportunity for one to one training and guidance in many areas of fitness and health. Simply select a workshop link from the menu on the right to get started today.


We offer a range of certificate level courses in Sport Coaching and Fitness as well as a range of general health short course workshops and self defense training workshops.

All of our courses and workshops are run from our central location in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.


Why Should I Train With Healy's?

Thats a valid question to ask and their is a valid and simple answer and that is over 40 years of experience,also:

  • All of our classes are overseen by Master Personal Trainer and Sports Coach Graham Healy.

  • Graham has been in the industry for well over 40 years and brings all of his life experience in fitness and training to each and every class.

  • Graham is also an 8th Dan martial arts instructor and qualified Healy's Commando Krav Maga trainer.

  • Graham is a 'train the trainer' 

    Other reasons to train with Healy's 

  •  Small Class Sizes

  •  One on One Training Options

  •  Regular Refresher Classes

  •  Professional Trainers

  •  Other Individual Training Options Available 

For more information on our certificate level courses or workshops simply select an option from the menu on the right and begin your training today.

Did You Know ?
Healy's Health operates under an agreement with one of Australia's longest standing RTO Organisations and delivers its courses in co-operation with that organisation.


About Healy's Education.

Graham Healy is a master personal trainer and sports coach with over 40 years experience in the health and fitness industry.

Graham's experience ranges from olympic weight lifting to self defense including being one of the chosen few first instructors of Tae Kwon Do in the aisa pacific region personly trained by one of the original founders of the system.

Graham's extensive background has been the starting point for many endeavours and is the platform that the Healy's network and Healy's system are built upon.

Graham Healy's Certification.

Press the


Further Course Information

Interface Training 'Bridges the GAP' between theory and practical applications in the


Graham Healy has had over 40 years in Health & Fitness and Martial Arts self defense training and no matter what course you do there is a 'practical application' of all things learned that it is impossible to learn in a certificate or diploma course focused on theory.
Basically Graham Healy mentors students to become TRUE PROFESSIONALS in every sense of the Word .
You LEARN through 'Healy's INTERFACE TRAINING' how to APPLY the THEORY.
for example it is suggested you complete
2 x 12 week Challenges = 24 weeks or 6 months in total time where you are trained by the Master Trainer to APPLY the theory.
Basically you become an Apprentice to the Master Trainer 
  This system Graham Healy has used when teacing the certificate 3 & 4 fitness courses and has incorporated the 2 x 12 week challanges into the course structurs as the 'practical component' of the certificate 3 or 4 course .

can also be done if you have already achieved a certificate 3 or 4 in Fitness
or Sports coaching, including martial arts ,self-defense,boxing etc
your signed certification is personally signed by Master personal trainer and 8th Dan Martial arts Master Graham Healy.
The VALUE of this CERTIFICATION is in the VIRTUE that you are competent in the syllabus and criteria set personally by Graham Healy 
for more information
contact us 






      Your Mentor
      Master Trainer 
      Graham Healy

  • Diploma Fitness
    (specializing in Lower
     Back care and resolutions)

  • Diploma in sports Coaching
    (specializing in Martial Arts)

  • Olympic weighlifter 1976
    (Qld titles mid heavy)
    Coached by famous
    Olympian Nev Perry

  • 8th dan Master
    Martial Arts
    (specializing in

  • Health Centre
    Owner with
    2,000 members

  • Oringinal
    Body for Life
    coach (tm)

  • 40 years +

Group Bookings.

At Healy's Education we believe in team spirit and work and as such we offer our short course workshops as group booking and team building exercises.
We offer these classes with a minimum number of 10 participants and run the training at your location or ours.
We can offer these workshops interstate and outside of the greater Brisbane area however this may attract a travel and accomodation surcharge.

Simply contact us today for a no obligation free quote on your group workshop and team building event by filling out our general contact enquiry form.

Discussion of the Education Ponzi Schemes by Graham Healy

Post Script by Graham Healy founder Healys Health 1985
I was there before there was so called "nationally recognized" Fitness courses or Sports Coaching courses ,we were just DOING IT and getting Real world experience that was the 1970's to 1980's , then gradually 'everyone had to be 'Nationally recognized' first in fitness and then in martial arts 'sports coaching' , and then came the
EDUCATION PONZI SCHEMES and scams basically selling "CERTIFICATES" to the young naive and inexperienced,

SUDDENLY EVERYBODY IS A PERSONAL TRAINER ? with little or NO FOUNDATIONAL BACKGROUND ? (but have done a short course and paid somebody money for it )

I have watched this go on from the 1980's to 2015 and have written several magazine articles with Barristers and lawyers 

I am well aware the 'SYSTEM' is 'FLAWED' and of the fact that NONE OF THE COURSES are legislated legally , it has simply been left to quote;"the industry to regulate itself" so what does that mean ? it means this the there is a PERCEPTION YOU ARE QUALIFIED ? but qualified to do what ? In reality without the 'Experience over time factor"
As an employer of Staff and Fitness people for years I quickly realized that even with University degrees the ON FLOOR PERFORMANCE was vastly different between staff , and I discovered that Staff who had a REAL BACKGROUND were the BEST (like myself) .
Legally speaking, the only 'Law' or 'Act' that the Health and fitness Industry must comply with is the 
Fair Trading Act 1989  Legally govering rules on memberships ,contracts ,cooling off periods ,ethical practic etc .there is absolutely NO LEGLISLATION to say you must be 'qualified' or 'nationally recognized' this is an 'Industry self recognition status' so therfore this exercise comes back to my original above satement RECOGNIZED BY WHO? and WITH WHAT BACKGROUND & EDUCATION? and WHAT EXPERIENCE ?
The Reality is (I believe after 40 + years of Experience) YOU have to be mentored by a Master Trainer of considerable experience(at least 25 years experience) , Just as you would as an 'Trade apprentice' or a martial arts student , at the 'end of the day  "all students are the reflections of your Instructor/Master or Mentor"

In any Profession the QUALIFICATION is just the door opener and depending on the course taught and its relevance to practical application .
Being involved with seveal barristors,lawyers etc (in fact my Current Business co-director in United Martial Arts Academy Pty Ltd is a qualified Lawyer long time Friend and Student Robert Phillips , when I asked the Legal Practicioners what do they look for in a good lawyer ? what Honors ?degrees ? Top University intellectual ?
The ANSWER IS AN EMPHATIC NO! They look for somebody with REAL LIFE SKILLS !

in the Fitness Industry and Sports Coaching Industry the SAME APPLIES , WITHOUT A REAL BACKGROUND (irrespective of theory or courses done) YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO APPLY ! Fitness and Sports Coaching is an APPLIED SCIENCE as Bruce Lee says "You must apply and Do" 
The whole Fitness and Sports Coaching Industry has (in my considered opinion) reached CRITICAL MASS  in PONZI  SCHEMES where the 'selling of courses' without 'real practical outcomes' is the order of  the day leading up to and including 2015. 

HEALY'S INTERFACE SYSTEM is there to REVERSE THE CYCLE and put some INTEGRITY and REALTY back into the system , the Students that ENGAGE with Healy's be it Martial Arts , Fitness or Sports Coaching will do the HEALY'S INTERFACE SYSTEM to the STANDARD & INTEGRITY set by Master Trainer Graham Healy.
An  'endorsed graduate of H.I.S. will have the PRACTICAL SKILLS for the REAL WORLD as well as a INTEGRATED UNDERSTANDING of APPLIED SCIENCE in a PRACTICAL REALITY .
Graham Healy has spent 40 years perfecting the System , through thousands of hours of training and programming ,so YOU can RECEIVE THE BENEFIT. GH 

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© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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Call Mob 0411 393 503

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