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"Your Health is your Greatest Asset"

Graham Healy founder

Healys Health 1985

"Educate & Motivate"
"One ounce of Experience = 10 Ton of Theory"

Graham Healy founder of Healys Health specializes in 'putting it all together' 'a one stop shop' for health and wellbeing with over 30 years of Health industry experience
in every possible facet from marketing to on the floor programming,classes and consultations.


  • Specializing in Stopping Lower Back Pain, some clients PAIN FREE in 2 or 3 sessions see testimonials  (after years of pain and unnecessary drugs)

  • 2017 Graham commenced a 5 years science Doctorate in clinical Chiropratic = Masters in Neuro-biomachanics and spinal and lower back functionality

  • Solving and demystifying the mystery behind True Weightloss(fat Loss) 
    find out how exercise 'Does Not burn' significant Body-fat  and the BIG FAT LIES UNMASKED in the Industry,
    with 'real' diet,nutrition advise and correct 'authorized' supplements solutions (without the influence from advertising of sales hype and b.s.).


  • Graham 'Educates and Motivates' 
    clients and students by his nationally recognized certificate 3 & 4 Fitness and Sports Coaching 'authorized' courses ,
    by a mentoring systematic (E) Learning processes and practical 'on the floor Healy's fast track' approach alongside his industry affiliates ACSD .


  • Graham gives you the 'Keys' to Personal Protection & Self-defence suitable for men,women and children and Familys,
    right up to advanced levels all done in complete safety and in a non-threatening 'light and friendly' enviroment and with a step by step system.


  • Graham spealizes in re-manufactured commercial gym equipment and outfitting and designing corporate and private studios
    with top brands at up to 70 percent off retail prices (with full industry warranties) personally selecting the best bio-mechanically correct equipment that has
    stood the test of time and usually manufactured in Australia or USA originally with 'real steel and welding' (that stands the test of time)and heavy duty engines
    (in the case of treadmills) supplied with Graham's systematic method of training and programming advise (the complete package)


  • Graham navagates through the commercial minefield of 'lies and deception' 'smoke and mirrors' to get you the 'best deal' and 'value for money.

  • Finally Graham has a passion for Karaoke and envites you to a fun night 'with entertainment' supplied


After 40 plus years Graham Healy and Healy's Health are well positioned to 'put it all together for you and your family or your business.

"One ounce of Experience = 10 Ton of Theory"
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Healys Health Philosophy
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© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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To Schedule An Appointment

Call Mob 0411 393 503

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