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Self-Defense Association

Mission Statement:


1. Recognition

2. Association

3. Education


(a) by facilitating clients to certificate III & IV Sports Coaching and Personal Training packages through preferred R.T.O's registered training organisations that conduct nationally recognised training courses recognised and qualified by the Australian Government Statutory Legal Framework plus current First Aid certification.

(b) affordable legitimate legal insurance packages supported and validated by (a).

(c) provide RPL recognised prior learning ISDA certification if required with (a) & (b).

(d) conduct workshops by mutually associating for "cross training" in skills and drills.

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Recognition Association Education. How to associate With ISDA



Independent clubs & instructors will be recognised by ISDA through the RPL process using international standards. ISDA will recommend nationally recognised certificate training in sports coaching qualifications, first aid, blue card for working with children, legally validated insurance as a pre-requisite before ISDA RPL certification is considered.


ISDA can mutually "associate" and link together open minded martial arts instructors and students on common skills and drills foundations without politics. You don't have to join up with ISDA and pay fees to some third party that you have no control over.


ISDA (like a brokerage) refers its affiliates to nationally registered training organisations specialising in nationally recognized and qualified certificate level courses in sports coaching and personal training and security course to turn 

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International Self-Defense Association What's it about ? 
It's about empowering others to achieve their best , Graham Healy the founder of ISDA will only recognize the martial artists that have 'stood the test of time',
and that possess the TRUE CHARACTER of Spirit and are Consistent in their relationships with others , out of the quagmire of double standards,and mediocrity and the ( would be if they could be's), emerges but a few 'True pure spirits' 'forged in the Fire'and it is those with whom ISDA and therefore Graham Healy associates with, I will not put the ISDA stamp on anything less.

our creed

"Pure Gold does not fear the test of Fire!"

"The VISION of ISDA is a NON COMPETITIVE  Like Spirited 
Martial Artists and Key Leaders of strategic Influence who wish to Associate on the basics of building a better society through the discipline and TRUE SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY of Martial Arts.
ISDA will hold World Symposiums and non competitive displays of 
Martial Arts enjoyable for all the family with a 'Light & Friendly' non competitive atmosphere  promoting and a 'sharing of knowledge' is the key. Promoting Peace & Harmony is the focus not interpersonal Violence. Focusing on the ART not SPORT is ISDA's mentality .
Every human being has a legal right to defend themselves and family and loved ones and originally this was the pure foundational base of all martial arts  and continues to be the teaching basis of ISDA founder  Master Graham Healy 8th dan."


Selection of Associates with ISDA
is at the complete discretion of 
Master Graham Healy 8th Dan

The basis of association is on Long Term personal relationship
to see the 'strength of character and Integrity' which is only 'revealed' over time.

You may of course wish to complete the various
Education Courses Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness & Sports Coaching 
this is treated seperately as a EDUCATION component of personal Value to you and your club .
This does NOT automatically give you association with ISDA or its founder 
Master Graham Healy

The ISDA Logo desinged by Master Peter Wong 7th Dan ITF TKD .
The Chinese symbol Warr in the middle placed on a globe .
"Warr Hay sung choi"

meaning peace and harmony brings prosperity 

surrounding the Globe is Olive Leaves 

this means Peace 

the bottom is a


The Power  of the Anointing of the Holy Ghost




What does ISDA Do ?  
With those who draw along side of ISDA and Therefore Graham Healy if your purpose is to build a life long enduring relationship for mutual benefit the the first door will open , if you have a 'hidden agenda' then the 'revolving door will open in reverse' simple as that.

Future with ISDA?  
Basically , ISDA is there to facilitate the training and association of Leaders with a 'good positive attitude' in other words a 'Train the Trainer' basis , however, in saying that there is a 'shared knowledge philosophy' and a 'no rank philosophy' (we are all treat each other on one level.)

Politics ? NONE Forget It Now

After over 40 years in the Health and Fitness Industry and as a martial artist , boxer and self-defense enthusiast Graham Healy has agreements in place to facilitate Certificate 3 & 4 Sports Coaching and Fitness with our good friends in ACSD as well as Graham can share with you through 'seminars and workshops' his 40+ years of experience to empower YOU to empower others .

What do Associates of ISDA DO ?
Basically we follow the Bruce Lee adage of "absorb what is useful and disregard the rest"  so our focus is on universal 'skills and drills' rather then 'patterns' etc , it is the brotherhood, and the 'skills and drills' of martial arts that is the 'common ground' not the styles, politics etc.
the bottom line is can that technique be used in real self-defense not the rule bound bureaucracy of Sport

© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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