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Go to Dr Grame's Massager


spinal adjustments


Chinese Herbs and Liniments



Cupping to relieve muscular stress,aches and pains

Bottom Line is that Healy's Health looks at the
for your Lower back and neuromuscluar system care after 40 years of looking after clients and refering to our prefered health care specialists Healy's take the holestic "BIG PICTURE" approach.

Healy's Health Preferred Health Professionals

Client Testimonies and Support Health Specialists: 

Below are clients that came to seek out Graham Healy at Healys Health , their only regret is that they didn't find us sooner.(the PFD file is attached to the Clients Name,please 'click' and the full pdf will download) GH 
  Defination of Insanity "Doing the same thing over and over again
 expecting a different result" Albert Einstein 


The Bottom Line is Results 

Dr Paul Ryan
Dr Marshal Montgomery

Dr. Paul Ryan


Dr.marshal Montgomery


          Biggera Waters

Dr Haminder Sing

Dr.Harminder Singh (Dentist)
Heritage Dental Indooroopilly

Joan Xia Acupuncturist (Registered by AHPRA)Chinese Qual.

Jason McLellan

(lower Limb)
Taringa , Kenmore.

Dr.Andrew Orr

Andrew Orr (Shen Therapies,Acupunture,


Chinese Med)

Jamboree Heights


Dr Benjamin Holtsbaum Tweed Chiropratic
IASTM tools

Tweed Central Chiropractic

Founded by Dr Benjamin Holtsbaum, BSc, M.Chiro.
Ben graduated at MacQuarie University in the year 2000 and has been in private practice for over 17 years. Having also worked as a clinic supervisor with the MacQuarie University's Department of Chiropractic for 5 years he has been at the forefront of the latest in Chiropractic care and brings to Tweed Heads his extensive experience.


All of the above health professionals are the Top in their respective fields and Graham Healy has had a direct working relationship with all of the above.
My policy is that I never refer to a Health practicioner that I have not built a good working relationship with first personally and then I refer my clients into their care having confidence that Healys Health Clients are in the best available hands .
Also The above health professionals work in with Healy's Health to give a BIG PICTURE TO CLIENTS and that INFORMED HEALTH CHOICES ARE CRYSTAL CLEAR with a Goal of holestic health balanced choices

   Clients Testimonies: more testimonies 

  • Laura (refer x-ray above left,fracture through L5 uncovered)

  • Micheal McCarthy (serious scoliosis 'see x-ray above')

  • Dave Parker​(diagnosed with scheurmanns disease)

  • Leanne (back fixed after lifetime of 'pain killers')

  • Andrea (lower back spine testiamony after 17 years of pain)

  • Michael Stoddard (acute neck pain for 10 years caused from assult incident)

  • John Moratis (cronic knee injury)

  • Kristian (dramatic increase in flexibility)

  • Kylie mcmillian (cronic knee injury)

  • Darren Binon (cronic back and shoulder pain)

  • Rick Schiro (Cronic lower back pain)

  • Graham Healy (lower disc herniation) 

  • plus many others too numerous to mention 

So all of the above have gone 'elsewhere' and spent a lot of time, money and spent many hours 'in pain' unnecessarily , in many cases 10years, 17 years , complete lifetimes of Lower back and spine pain .
The Healys Health system Works contact us today simply

   Another case of 'uncovering'
    a 'hidden' spinal fracture
                 upon our
   standard X-Ray proceedure.
        Ultimate Back-Care
        Postural Alignment  

    Wouldn't YOU like to know 
       the HIDDEN CAUSE ?

Healy's Health Preferred Health Professionals
Dr.Daryl Ansell

Dr.Daryl Ansell DC  
Townsville Nth Qld

Dr Micheal McGibbin
Dr Benjamin Holtsbaum Tweed Chiropratic

Please note Dr's McGibbin are on the leading edge in advancing
the Chiropractic cause in health care please study their web sites for dtls.GH

IASTM tools

IASTM tools

Bian Stone Gua Sha

Bian Stone Gua Sha

Wen Jui Pure Moxa Sticks

Eagle Brand Medicated Oil

Woodlock Liniment 

Dr Graeme's Professional Massager

Zheng Gu Shui Lotion

Tens machine to deliver low voltage electro stimulation to neuro-rmusclurar system 

Dr.Graeme's Pro Massage
Instruction booklet 

Bottom Line is that Healy's Health looks at the ONE STOP SHOP SOLUTION for your Lower back and neuromuscluar system care after 40 years of looking after clients and refering to our prefered health care specialists Healy's take the holestic approach.
Rather then the client seeing various health care professionals to sift and sort the good, the bad, and the ugly, Healy's has done that for you.
All of our prefered practicioners are the best in their field and have a personal ongoing professional relationship with Healy's.
Graham Healy the founder of Healy's Health believes the everybody should be treated like family and he takes a personal Interest in every case,
right down to the chinese liniments (we have used for years and know what works and what doesent work).
As part of Graham Healy's ongoing studies,apart from his long sporting history, including an elite level martial arts Instructor ,
Graham is currently studying a Masters Degree as a Doctor of Chropratic (a 5 years science degree)
So that enables Graham to discuss a lot of issues in far greater depth then the average fitness professional.
the detail and depth of Chiropratic studies in Bio Chemistry, Anatomy and Neuromuscular Bio-mechanics is second to none.
600 hours of anatomy and 300 hours of radiography give a diagnosis depth to oversee any client programme or rehabilition solution.   

Anchor 1

Additional information on extremities

note these are all indirectly connected to the spine and hips but may have their own particluar issues the information supplied here is a brief overview
of common stress and sports injuries complaints contact Healy's Health  for further detailed infomation

© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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Call Mob 0411 393 503

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