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This is the most exciting animated exercise physiology program available in the world today,
my friend Amit Gal Alon founder and creator of this program is simply pure genius, and the resource is ‘pure gold ‘


Graham Healy

Dip Fitness & Sports Coaching

Founder Healy’s Health and Fitness Established 1985


Amit Gal Alon

See Muscles fully Animated Here 
  • Have you ever wondered WHY and HOW muscles work the way they do ?

  • Where they Originate and Insert ? 

  • Truely Understand the action and reaction behind an exercise ?

  • Lower back Pain How is it caused and what muscles contribute ?

  • Educate yourself and Finally understand the mysteries never explained
    to you previously with any clairity 

  • Healys Health Student Resource  for all students and Clients alike 

Muscle and Motion Link to Discount Price

Amit Gal Alon


Amit Gal Alon is a graduate of Zinman College at the Wingate Institute, Israel. He specialized in Clinical Kinesiology. Amit studied visual communications, and developed courseware and software in the field of anatomy, physical fitness and health. Amit Gal Alon has worked as a 3d Graphic Designer / Illustrator and has been involved in the field of digital content creation for over ten years. He has also worked as a fitness trainer of a major league soccer team and as a manager of fitness clubs. Amit's passion for movement and strength building have helped him to overcome cancer four times. Click here to read more  

" For the past decade I have devoted my life to the development of the visual systems.
My goal is to illustrate the muscles - often presented as pictures in books - and bring them to life with accurate representations of movement. The interactive animations I create are motivated by my mission to develop a visual representation of the human body that enables every person to see how his/her body moves, what takes place under the skin during each movement, and how the muscles work together to enable movement." 
This creation is for you. My motive is the contribution to you."   Amit Gal Alon .

Click on above to purchase

The Original Atlas of skeletal Muscles
by Stone and Stone 
a Must Have reference resourse for Healy's Health Students and Clients a perfect partner for the Muscle and Motion Program
"I have personally used this reference book for over 20 years" Graham Healy

FREE TRIAL 'Click' Below

"Muscle and Motion software is affordable and exclusively used by Healy's Health and is  Five Star quality "
Graham Healy 

"A Video sample of what the Muscle and Motion Program looks like 'Click' the Bar above' to get FREE TRIAL" GH

"A sample of Amit Gal Alon's creative work , Amit has a great sense of humor and you Learn at the same time with his 'little Bob the builder' Guy on a scate board "GH

© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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