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"Your Health is Your Greatest Asset"

Healy's Health and Fitness
ABN 50-711-604-560


Graham Healy

Healys Health and Wellbeing Financial Policy 

  • Full disclosure on all Fees Up Front 

  • No 'tricky' 'sales people' trapping you into contracts advertised as 'no contracts' in fact they are legal contracts! 

  • Transparency, Integrity and honestry in every transaction

  • No obligation 'Means' No obligation whatsoever

  • Informed quality choices is Healy's focus for every client  

Complete Customer Satifaction through Long-term Relationships 

Certificate 3 & 4 Fitness and Sports Coaching 

R.P.L Recognized Prior Learning & Flexible Learning courses (now called bridging)

Flexible Learning is where you recieve work books and Text books, are mentored on Graham Healy's fast track system where he delivers you the 'concentrated information' from a very practical platform, thereafter you have your various work-books to complete on the subject matter.You can complete this in 12 weeks but are allowed 12 months if you need with your 'outside commitments' this is like correspondence with tutorials.  

Our Policy Full disclosure with Integrity

A Word of caution be very carefull when getting 'price quotes' some orgaizations will quote on certificate 3 price only (to trap you) not full price cert 3 & 4 inclusive ,also there are some organizations that simply 'print certificates' illegally so be carefull who you engage with , refer our commmentry regarding our licence agreement with Australia's longest standing RTO registered training Organization and a recent 'clean up' of disreputable operators by Australian government  (click here refer this paragraph ) 'Graham  Healy is adamant about professional standards'

Price structure for Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness or Sports Coaching

Important the difference between Fitness & Sports Coaching ? (Click titles)

  • Certificate 3 Fitness or Sports Coaching ....................................$2,200

  • Certificate 4  Fitness or Sports Coaching....................................$3,500 
                           Total Combined ........................................................$5,700 aud

Note : This is recommended retail price, this price may be Negotiated downwards  depending on class numbers at time of course engagement
refer Graham Healy for details at obligation free appointment   

Pre-payment Payment system ? 
You can place a deposit and work out a Ezidebit payment plan with Healy's Health .
You must apply for this personally with Graham Healy and he will work out a 
flexible payment plan for your individual circumstances. 

Healy's Health payment Policy 

  1. In flexible delivery RTO agent fees must be paid before text books are received

  2. Course must be PAID IN FULL before certificates are issued 

  3. minimum of 4-6 weeks for certificates to be issued,work books audited and RTO checks done according to Education Department requirements and Audits   

  4. Tax invoices issued in total or progressively 

Let Healy's Health work out a Flexible Plan for YOU (click Bar Below)

Ezidebit Option 

  • Nominate a Start & Finish Date

  • Payments to suit your budget

  • Nominate which bank account

  • visa,master-card,amex,diners

  • You get copy of all paperwork

Complete Transparency up-front no 'hidden charges'

All Certification Issued by Healy Health is through an Australian recognized and Government audited R.T.O.Registered Training Organization  

Price structure for R.P.L .Recognized PRIOR LEARNING
Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness or Sports Coaching

You have been a Rugby Coach or Martial Arts Instructor for Years and simply haven't got 'the paperwork' to recognize your 'skills' officially or you may have done some other education courses to under-pin a RPL .
The main issue is that you can varify and Prove your background experience with valid documentation and Justice of the Peace signed varifications or 'proofs' .


A word of warning Healys Health have been approached by several 'groups' wanting us to 'simply print certificates' our responce is and always will be 'show us the documentary evidence and variable proofs' RPL done professionally and with Integrity is a process of mapping the clients background history much like a court case preparation. so no illegal short-cuts with Healy's if a client gets a RPL certificate issued by our RTO we are 100% confident that that Client can deliver and has a verifiable authentic background check. GH

  • Certificate 3 Fitness or Sports Coaching  R.P.L.........................$1,400

  • Certificate 4  Fitness or Sports Caoching R.P.L.........................$1,500
                           Total Combined ........................................................$ 2,900 aud 

Note : This is recommended retail price, this price may be Negotiated downwards  depending on quanity of  RPL's at time of engagement plus amount of delegated collection of RPL evidence   
refer Graham Healy for details at obligation free appointment   

Check out our Pre-payment Ezidebit
payment Plan 
Plus CASH Discounts 

Ezidebit Option 

  • Nominate a Start & Finish Date

  • Payments to suit your budget

  • Nominate which bank account

  • visa,master-card,amex,diners 

  • You get copy of all paperwork

Complete Transparency up-front no 'hidden charges'

Ask about our DISCOUNT for CASH ?

on Cert 3 & 4

Ezidebit Option 

  • Nominate a Start & Finish Date

  • Payments to suit your budget

  • Nominate which bank account

  • visa,master-card,amex,diners

  • You get copy of all paperwork

Complete Transparency up-front no 'hidden charges'

Payment Plan (A)

  • Internet Transfer to
    Healy's Health and Wellbeing 
    National Bank Kenmore
    Bsb 084-263 ACC 48-163-7810


  • 1) Tag internet Transfer tranaction identification:
        Healys Health Educ or HH-Educ

  • 2) Email

  • 3) SMS Graham Healy Mob 0411 393 503

    Electronic receipt will be issued 

    Thankyou for your Business

Healy's Health and Fitness
ABN 50-711-604-560


Graham Healy




Payment Plan (B)

  • Direct Debit payment Plan via Ezidebit to
    Healy's Health and Wellbeing 
    National Bank Kenmore
    Bsb 084-263 ACC 48-163-7810


  • 1)Fill out the Ezidebit PDF form (tag on left):
    Place relevent details on form then email PDF document to Healy's Health  

  • 2)Email

  • 3)SMS Graham Healy Mob 0411 393 503
    To confirm plus keep your original copy

    Electronic receipt will be issued 

    Thankyou for your Business

Healy's Health and Fitness
ABN 50-711-604-560


Graham Healy

All Pricing on Programs are Guidelines 
If you have a particular suituation that requires more flexibliity

then Contact Graham Healy mob 0411 393 503 or make appointment (click above)

Healy's Health general policy is prepayment saving plans

in advance of service 

© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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To Schedule An Appointment

Call Mob 0411 393 503

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