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Glycogen & SAMe:
In addition to its role as a precursor in protein synthesis, L-methionine participates in a wide range of
biochemical reactions, including the production of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM or SAMe), L-cysteine,
glutathione, taurine and sulfate. Methionine is also a glycogenic amino acid and may participate in the
formation of D-glucose and glycogen so may help with energy production and stamina
 Liver detoxification: The ability of L-methionine to reduce the liver-toxic effects of such hepatotoxins as
acetaminophen and methotrexate has led to the suggestion that methionine should be added to
acetaminophen products. However, there is some recent research suggesting that elevated L-methionine
intake may promote intestinal carcinogenesis. This is unclear.
 Heavy Metal Toxicity: L-methionine is involved in the formation of many substances containing protein, as
well as providing sulphur. It is necessary for the bonding and excretion of toxic heavy metal compounds.
 UTI’s: Methionine is also capable of pushing the pH-value of urine into the acidic part of the scale,
reducing the occurrence of cystitis and other urinary tract infections. The effectiveness and efficiency of
ampicillin and other antibiotics is also improved where the pH-value ranges between 4 and 6.
 Some metabolism of L-methionine takes place within the intestines. That which is not metabolized is
transported to the liver via the portal circulation. In the liver, L-methionine, along with other amino acids,
participates in protein biosynthesis. It may also participate in a wide variety of metabolic reactions,
including the formation of SAMe, L-homocysteine, L-cysteine, taurine and sulfate. There is where it is also
metabolized to produce D-glucose and glycogen. L-methionine that is not metabolized in the liver is
transported to the various tissues of the body where it is involved in reactions similar to those described
Contra indications and Interactions:
 One of the metabolites of L-methionine, L-homocysteine, has been implicated as a significant factor in
coronary heart disease and other vascular diseases so avoiding use with high homocysteine levels seems
prudent. Generally, it is recommended when taking methionine supplements to take extra B-complex
vitamins, particularly vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folate. (see tips and tricks handout)
 Amino acids like methionine, Creatine and SAMe can inhibit absorption of the Parkinson's disease
medication L Dopa warn the University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
 Even without B-vitamin deficiencies, taking high doses of methionine -7g daily or more-can increase your
homocysteine levels.
 Studies show taking up to 2g per day of methionine doesn't appear to cause any serious adverse effects

Health Wise L-Methionine

  • natural Amino Acids however we recommend prescription advise  from our Health Professionals

© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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