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Project Sparta aims to 'Make a Difference" as outlined in the above poster , what happens between "consulting Adults" is not the issue here (although that obviously has its consequences too) but we are talking about:
Child Slavery ,Sex Slavery and Pedophillia here and certainly in south east Asian as descriped above.

There are however moral consequences(Not judgements) to everything and whatever we do there is a seed planted (good or bad) and that "seed" planted will come back to "bight you" good or bad in the form of 'what you planted'
This is the universal LAW of Sow and Reap.

Just like the Good or Evil Wolf analogy (which one are you feeding will grow in your life) .
there is a Deeper meaning to all this which I have covered in my web site: 
If you are Interested in the Biblical perspective of 
the Inherent corruption of man in general then Click the above Link:
If your Scope is to just support the Cause without any further deeper thinking then that 
Then thats ok too .

Graham Healy 
Rev.Dr. D.D.(H.C.)
(Doctorate  of Divinity)
Diploma Fitness 
Diploma Sports Coaching
8th dan Martial Arts Master
former Commetitive Olympic weighlifter Queensland Titles 1976
under 2 times Olympian Coach and competitor Nev.perry (Rome and Mexica games)

© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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