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Safety First Safety Last

Self-Defence Video's Miscellaneous

I will post the miscellaneous self-defence video's here ,most are embeded in the various pages on this web site, I have that many on utube that I have to 'filter them' and pick the highlights so that you the viewer can just see those (that I consider) the most relevant and important, sometime I do some humerous takes etc. as the availability of the internet media has now given 'power back to the people' rather then the 'corporates' , I believe that this is a great tool for the hard working self-defence Instructors that have been too busy over the years by simply 'training hard' now we have the opportunity to teach others through technology like we have never been able to do before in history. GH

Master Yun ITF New Zealand 1987 Paterns 

Graham Healy Healy's Commando Krav maga
 Sydney Nov 2008 (part 2)

Graham Healy Healy's Commando Krav maga

 Sydney Nov 2008 (part 4)

Graham Healy Healy's Commando Krav maga  
Sydney Nov 2008 (Ladies practice moves against knife thrust )

Graham Healy Healy's Commando Krav maga  
Sydney Nov 2008 (part 1)

Graham Healy Healy's Commando Krav maga
 Sydney Nov 2008 (part 3)

Graham Healy Healy's Commando Krav maga  
Sydney Nov 2008 (more knife defence)

Peter McInnes Nunchaku practice 2011

© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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