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Healy’s Tae Kwon Do (Module 2)
and Basic Kick Boxing Courses

As Professional Martial arts Instructor Graham Healy has broken the system down to two areas as far as ‘kicking’ skills and drills is concerned.

  Tae Kwon do kicks :

   Graham Healy has trained under two of the first generation TKD Masters
   and spent 15 years with these Masters (refer Graham Healy's History here)
   out of this he has extracted the ‘essence’ of TKD Kicking.

  • Front kicks

  • Side kicks

  • Back kicks

  • ½ turning kicks

  • Full turning kicks

  • Spinning heal kicks

  • Twisting kicks

  • Vertical kicks

  • Crescent kicks 

  • Jumping versions of all of the above 
    Tae kwon Do is really a combination of dynamic kicks and the ‘kicking skills and drills’ are really
    an ‘art’ within themselves.
    Now add Healy’s boxing skills on top of this (adjusted to open hand ‘bare knuckle’ boxing) and
    you start to ‘put together’ a really dynamic and practical form of self defence.Patterns or Tuls are
    not emphasised here, however, there is some use for the patterns or Tuls in teaching co-ordination
    and mental cogitative processes regarding thinking left to right side of the brain.
    The old style TKD patterns were (in my opinion) unnecessarily complicated and in many
    respects ‘not very practical’ although‘ artistically pleasing’ the ‘practical applications’ of many
    techniques were always either ‘unexplained’ or ‘impractical’ in ‘real life’ applications .

    Graham Healy further developed the "ESSENCE" of Healy's Boxing ,TKD and YJD
    to the EVOLVED "Healy's Skills and Drills" Module System.


  • Graham Healy evolved from ITF Tae Kwon Do patterns to Yun Jung Do
    (of which he was a founding Instructor under Grandmaster Young Ku-Yun) 

  • where the "Modules" can be seamlessly 'joined together' or 'trained seperately'
    there is a DNA factor that 'threads' through all 'skills & drills'
    The problem in most other systems is that they are all SEPERATE and there is no
    ,REAL SELF DEFENCE requires a multi-skilled approach
    WITHOUT sacrificing the Power and 'Skills & Drills' required in a particular Module
    that when combined together makes a complete system.
    This follows the BRUCE LEE philosophy of "absorb what is usefull and disregard the rest"

    The Healy's "Skills & Drills' overview:


  •  Front snap kick,left-right punch,back leg snap kick (or kick box pushing front kick)

  • "Flick and Kick" Flicking back hand cover, followed by side pearcing kick (balanced)
    then touch the heel of side kick with fingers of 'flicking hand'
    this is a "skill & Drill" designed to keep the student in the correct balance for the
    'perfect side' kick and re-enforces a 'engram' pattern in the students mind over time,
    also teaches 'perfect balance' for the correct side-kick position .


  • left-right punch followed by 1/2 turning kick (This 1/2 turning kick can be low,mid or high)
    and the left-right punch 'disguises' the kick


  • Straight left followed by 1/2 turning kick
    (this is a 'quick responce' follow up to a boxing straight left)

  • 3 straight Lefts followed by 1/2 turning Kick (here you apply Boxing
    'pressure to Attacker' and 'Finish off' with 1/2 turn to high section (or mid or low)

  • Double 1/2 turning kick . The first 1/2 turning kick is a 'balk' usually low, and the second
    1/2 turning kink is the Power one (usually high) works on the principle of 'diversion-attack'.


  • Back-Piercing kick followed by 'back hander' (as a Counter to Boxing Right Cross)

  • Low 1/2 Turn to inside of Attackers knee (vastus medialis)  
    followed by back-piercing kick then follow up with 'back hand' slap to face
    if necessary (doubles as a defence move)


  • Lead leg side-piercing kick , followed by back-piercising kick ,
    followed by 'back hand' power slap


  • Left, Right punch combo followed by back leg side-piercing kick this thechnique is used to 'discuise/cover' the back leg side-piercing kick.
    The back leg must be draw-up high to the chest(after the left-right punch combo) and there is a slight side step with the lead leg


  • Rapid fire Lead leg 1/2 turning kick (with hot plate bounce) This technique 'fires' the lead leg 1/2 turning kick in rapid fire (usually in reps of 10) as a 'drill' this is done 'rapid fire' normally to the high section , but in reality can be high,then low,or high then mid etc very deceptive and a 'snapping' or shattering-shock kick rather then a piercing kick .(this simply means the 'energy' or'key' of the kick is not so much focused on 'piercing through' 100% but is more 'speed-shatter' probably 70% thrusting power but 110% speed of execution , in reality a 'slight' reduction in 'push through' power .
    In my experience the difference between 'Piercing' and and 'Snap-Shatter' kicks is only a very slight change in 'thought pattern' from through to shatter , and this is only slight 20 to 30% .(This can ONLY BE LEARNED by practice over time)GH 


  • Front Kick (Hot Plate) the normal Front snap kick can be turned into a 'rapid fire' kick by 'bouncing the ball of foot' off the floor in rapid succession

  • low 1/2 turning kick , followed by back piercing kick , followed by 'back hander' this kick is set up by the low 1/2 turn give opportunity for the back piercing kick and the 'back hander' is a cover defence/follow up just in case.

  • Crecent kick , followed by (hot plate) side kick this kick knocks out the attackers hand/arm (out of the way) followed by snap side kick

  • Vertical kick this kick is achieved by sweaping the knee acrocc the body (from left to right) and then sweaping back from (right to left) with the foot in a vertical position before impact . This kick is much like a 'back hander' with the outside edge of the foot .It can be used very successfully to stike an apponents ARM and easily break that arm.

  • Reverse Crecent Kick A crescent kick while spinning around backwards , this can achieve a lot of power in the spin. 

  • Jumping Crecent Kick same as above except Jumping before execution has double the power of the above.

  • 3 x rhythmic back moves to a boxing straight left followed by an Intercept lead leg side kick.(counter to agressive boxing straight lefts in rapid fire)

  • JUMPING Front Kick

  • JUMPING 1/2 Turning Kick

  • JUMPING Side Kick (lead Leg)

  • JUMPING Back Kick 

  • Dodging Front Kick (jump backwards at 45 degrees)
    If you are close to apponent you can execute kick
    while jumping backwards


  • Dodging Back Kick (as above)

  • Dodging Side kick (as above)

  • Reverse Turning Kick (or spinning heel kick),
    Strike with back of heel


  • Jumping reverse Turning
    (carefull if lower back is 'touchy' do not do this kick )


  • Reverse hook kick (or spinning hook kick) rear leg

  • Front leg hook kick (hook parallel to floor to 'bum' /glutes

  • Twisting kick rear leg (twists in opposite direction to a 1/2 turning kick) and depending on invividual hip/socket mobility = twist of hip , however, you can manipulate the twist kick by rising up on the ball of the supporting foot to compensate for lack of hip flexibility/mobility if your body structure is restrictive .

  • Twisting kick Front leg 

  • JUMPING Twisting kick front 

  • JUMPING twisting kick rear leg

  • Double front leg Side Kick (first side kick to knee (as balk) ,second side kick to high section . this side kick is a snapping side kick that doesn't have a great deal of thrusting power , however the 'suprise attack' element can be extremely effective. the low side kick will make attacker lunge forward and actually increast the impact of the 'high' section side kick, because of the apponent moving forward into the 'high' section kick.

  • Lead Leg Twisting Knee check for attacking kick boxers kick , followed by a rear leg front snap kick with ball of foot,or shin to attackers groin (no shin conditioning required) or rear leg pushing kick. The Twisting knee check is the first stage of a twist kick without the 'twisting kick' just the knee up and projected outward at 45 degrees. this minimises the strike power of a kick boxers (shin kick) as it will slide down the anteriar tibialis muscle on the outside of the defending shin . we have 3 choices :
    1)Check the attackers Shin kick with 'Twisting Knee Check'
    2)Skip back out of way (allowing attackers kick to over-compensate and travel through) then Counter kick to attackers Groin from rear
    3)Burst in with twisting knee to attackers thigh (in close) while either executing a counter throat grab,a palm to attackers nose/philtrium , or Punch or Elbow strike.

  • to be continued .....


  • Basic Kick Boxing

  • Graham Healy has been mentored by associate and friend Jason White in the ‘skills & drills’ of ‘kick boxing’.Basic Kick Boxing ‘skills and drills’ are medium range ‘defective tools’ and in Graham Healy’s opinion the ‘fundamental basics’ of ‘kick boxing kicks’ are the ‘same at the hip’ as TKD ‘basic kicks’ well the way we teach then they are anyhow.
    Basic Kick boxing ‘skills and drills’ fit ‘perfectly in with the Healy’s system and have been merged into the system accordingly.Basic kick-boxing Kicks are:


  • Front 'pushing Kick' with Hip thrust

  • ½ turning ‘shin-kick’ (low and high section)

  • Side stepping 90 degree knee kick (target mid section)

  • Inward knee slapping kick (target floating ribs)

  • Jumping in knee kicks 

    So combining the Healy’s Tae kwon do/Yun Jung Do dynamic Kicks with basic Kick boxing gives you the essence of the Healy’s System and the combination of ‘skills and drills’ .
    Now this can be taught as a ‘non contact’ skills and drills’ class , that takes all the fundamental elements of Tae Kwon Do , Yun Jung Do and Kick Boxing  and merges this into a enjoyable class , that is actually teaching the student or client ‘real skills and drills’ of ‘real kicks’ designed by a real martial arts ‘Master’.
    Combine that with the Healy’s boxing ‘skills and drills’ and there you have the basic Healy’s power boxing and kicking class.
    Of course the above basic ‘skills and drills’ can be taken to the next level in self-defence at any time the student wishes to, or simply left at the ‘basic skills and drills level’ of competency .


  • Options:

  • Basic PowerBoxing and Kick boxing cardio class to comply to the Fitness Industry standards

  • As a base for practical self defence in Boxing ,Tae kwon Do, and kick boxing basics

  • Technically correct technique is taught which can be a fundamental base for any advanced level of Boxing, Tae kwon Do kicks and Kick Boxing

  • Entry point of a General Class that may lead the student to advanced levels if they so choose to do so

       May be CEC accredited course (continuing Education Credits) if required 

Healy's Comprehensively Detailed
Tae Kwon do Kicking Syllabus
(Module 2)

As You can see the Volume of Healy's Tae kwon Do Kicks is ENORMOUS and is far beyound 'just learning patterns'

The 'skills & drills' incorporated by Healy's enables you to perfect KICKING TECHNIQUE 
Build up Skills from there .


© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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