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Videos High Intensity

Nothing new about HIGH INTENSITY , in 1989 I owned a nautilus Gym and programmed clients in the Nautilus machines invented by
Authur Jones about 1972

in 2013 we hear all the 'talk' about HIGH INTENSITY , only trouble is that we were talking about that 40 years ago (when it wasn't popular).
Isn't is strange how everything goes 'full circle' ? 
The Results obtained in the 12 weeks transformational Challenges by Graham Healy were achieved in just 3 x 45 minute sessions per week .

Nautilus machines by Aurthur Jones Bio-mechanical Perfection

Arthur Jones working out on his Nautilus double Shoulder 
'Pre-Exhaustion' machine . Arthur was a brilliant inventor and  the founder of high intensity Nautilus training .
I owned a nautilus Gym in 1989 and the nautilus Generation 1 & 2 machines (that Arthur Jones perfected) were biomechanically perfect , gym equipment today still cannot duplicate what Jones perfected . 
Fortunately I have the original nautilus lower back and torso twist machines which are 'mirical machines' for lower back and spine. 
Graham Healy 


To understand what Aurthur Joes was like you must listen to him in this video he was mentally tough and uncompromising GH

(above) Casey Viator demonstrates the nautilus Super Pullover 
machine (Lat machine) GH

(Left) Boya Coe and Mike Mentzer
this is a classic training session on

Nautilus machines in the 1980's  GH 

Video's Below are Dorian Yates basic training routeens , Dorian trained 3 times per week for 45 minutes (sometimes 4) to become 6 times Mr Olympia, using Nautilus High Intensity methods , in fact Dorian did some training with 'Heavy duty' Nautilus advocate Mike Mentzer , as a foundation to his training system.

Graham Healy founder of Healy's Health fully understands these routeens and programming and is one of the rare individuals that owned and operated his own Nautilus Gym in the 1980's along with being a former Olympic Weighlifter at the Queensland titles 1976. 
Please note that these routeens can be 'geared' down to the ordinary person for just general weight loss and firming and toning ,however the PRINCIPALS are always the same.
Graham Healy advocates a very balanced approach to HIGH INTENSITY training , in such that REST,STRETCHING and Chiropractic care are very important factors in all Healy's Health programming , so we are aware of the BIG PICTURE not simply the 'body-building' mentality.
The High Intensity principals are important but, equally important are the Opposite 'Yin and yang' principals, with HIGH INTENSITY comes REST and RECOVERY , recovery, supplementation, nutrition and stretching being the 'counter balance' to the total health and wellbeing equation.  

Chest and Biceps


Delts and triceps


Hamstrings Calves

Training Tips from Dorian Yates

Blood and Guts Dorian Yates

Dorian Yates book 'Click' above
to purchase GH

"To understand the programming you have to have an advanced knowledge of High intensity principals"

  Graham Healy

Micheal-High Intensity
Graham Healy
'Click' the Tag above and Join the RESULTS TEAM
  Graham Healy

"The other Thing you must understand about HIGH INTENSITY Training is that it is relative to the person, on an Intensity scale of 1 to 10 (10 being High Intensity and 1 being extremely Low intensity) , The Intensity levels are completely relevent to the Client .
A 71 years old client can still be training on High Intensity (relative to their perception/feeling of difficulity on the scale  of 1 to 10) as level of 5 or 6 relative to them is appropiate. 
Same as High Intensity Cardio (lactic acid tolerances levels on a scale of 1 to 10 or preceived exertion) is the way to calibrate this and all forms of training .
That way we TRAIN SAFE relative to the Client ,not everybody has the genetics or the desire to be Mr.Olympia Self improvement for Health and wellbeing reasons is 99% of the Client Motivation." GH



Micheal, trained 3 times per week for 3/4 hrs sessions
at HIGH INTENSITY for 12 weeks , many thought he was

on 'Drugs' to get this result ? 100% natural results are 
achievable and Micheal is Living Proof ! Guarenteed ! GH

© 2013 Graham Healy Healys Health.

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