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Videos relevent to Lower back & Spine

"Periodically I will load relevent Education Utube Videos that are revelent to our ever expanding study of the Lower back and spine , this give a VISUAL example
of what I have explained in the various text on the Lower back care pages"


 Graham Healy

Lower back pain explained by Dr T Ebraheim " GH 
further details on our Muscle and Motion page 

"See the connection with the lower Spine and Psoas Major/Minor ,Iliacus,and Quadratus Lumborum" demonstrated on this video  Piriformis stretch GH 
further details on our Muscle and Motion page 

"See the connection with the lower Spine and Psoas Major/Minor ,Iliacus,and Quadratus Lumborum" GH 
further details on our Muscle and Motion page 

Expansion on The Healy's Health Process of Lower back care by Graham Healy some important points detailed, for muscle animation details for further in depth study see details on our Muscle and Motion page GH 

Also refer Graham Healy's Private Studio re Nautilus Lower Back and Torso twist machines , which support the muscles demonstrated on this page

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